Part 22.

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Weiying and Wangji was sitting in Jingshi, Weiying was fully recovered and happily laughing, his tummy is big and round, they're gonna be a parent's now, Wangji was smiling happily with his Weiying... All the misunderstandings between them were cleared as Yanli arrived there and clear everything, after that, when Weiying wake up, Wangji begged Weiying for his forgiveness...

'Weiying... I was wrong, I should have tried harder to protect you from this, I'm not a good husband, but I wanna be a good one for you, please give me a chance...'

Weiying smiled at him and said, 'Wangji you're always the best person I meet so far, you helped others, you even helped me many times, I can't say it's completely your fault for not understanding, but it's me who never spoke anything, never revealed a single thing, so, how can I blame you... You know Wangji when I first saw you in Jingshi, I really admire your handsome face and golden eyes, your muscular jaw line...' Weiying blushed and said 'You know, I always notice you and admire you from far, and I don't know when this admiration becomes a love... Maybe that's when you hold me in your arms and care for me when no one else does, or maybe that's when you bought water for me, fighting against your own clan, break your own rules, I just don't know...' Weiying said and continue blushing...

'Weiying, you know I fell in love with you when I first saw you, you're so adorable, but you know my past wasn't so good, my parents relationship was a mess, so, I never tried to express my feelings after my parents' death, I blocked them within me, and it's been long time since my feelings for someone is this strong... I really wanna tell you Weiying that I...'

Suddenly.... There's a knock on a door pull Wangji out of his dream, dream that was about his Weiying, their happy family and future... But that's indeed a dream cos his brother's voice from outside brings him back to the reality.

'Wangji are you still sleeping? We're supposed to leave for a night hunting, get ready and come fast disciples are waiting.'

From inside, just a, 'Hm' sound can be heard, and outside, the footsteps of the person standing outside, moving away.

Xichen leaves and Wangji memories drifted into the past...

Two years Ago...

Wangji haven't left Weiying side that day, in the evening, there was a messenger come telling that Miss Jiang
Yanli is outside to meet his brother, Wangji was shocked, and angry, he wanna cry now, but he just nodded his head, allowing her to come inside.

Many other people entered a pavilion behind her, one of them is furious madam Yu, accompanied by Jiang Fengmian and Jiang Cheng, followed by Xichen and Lan Qiren and a few other elders of the clan. And last person entered there was Jin Jixuan....

Yanli went near Weiying and hugged him, 'Weiying... My A-Xian... How can you do this, how can you take the punishment for everything instead of me...' she continued to cry holding his brother who was laying unconscious on the bed.

'Yanli! Where were you, you know how worried we were? Where do this bas"erd keep you?'

'Mother! Don't say anything about my Xian, I agreed to marry Hanguang-Jun cos you both wanted me to, not thinking about my opinion you set the marriage, then you blame A-Xian cos I run away...? You know he even married second master Lan, to save clan reputation.'

'I love A-Xuan, and I can't marry Lan Wangji that's why I run away... I was so stupid... If I know my brother will be he one who will pay for this instead of me, I would have never run away in the first place... You torture my innocent brother, cos you can't find me... You guys torture him... AH!' Madam Yu slapped Yanli.

'You run away after we both take care of you, whole life, treat you equally, you don't even think about our reputation and come here to become a shame on us, aren't you ashamed that this boy, which I never liked take everything for you, and you just run away... Not caring what will happen to the sect, what will happen to your parents, you know A-Cheng looked for you in each and every sect, he's taking care of the sect, and looking for you, you know how worried he's for his sister... Do you have any idea how much Fengmian and I cried for you?' Madam Yu pauses herself and said 'AND YOU FUCKING RUN AWAY WITH THIS BAS"ERD!!!'

'Madam Yu, Yanli and I love each other, we did nothing wrong, we tried to convince you both but you people were more worried about sects, than our feelings, now, if we act upon our feelings not giving a fu*k about the sect, you consider us to tell you guys about our feelings, it's not like we never told you, it's not like Yanli haven't confessed to you, but you're the one who's more worried about the reputation earlier. Now you're considering feelings cos you don't have any reputation left to be worried about, Right!? And one more thing Yanli is my wife and she's 3 months pregnant, so don't fu*king raise your hand and voice on her and my child, cos I won't care about you position after that.' Jin Jixuan said.

Wangji was just hearing the conversation, and looking at the Weiying realising how big sacrifice Weiying had made for her sister....

Hello readers! So, who do you think is right here?

Yanli, who run away from her sect, to marry Jin Jixuan on a day of her marriage, cos her parents don't listen, and when Jixuan come to Jiang sect, hiding to take her away, she acted upon her feelings and run away with him, leaving everything behind...

Or Madam Yu. Who loves her daughter, but for the sect she never listened to her even know her heart, she forced her to marry Jixuan, then thinking that it's Weiying who's behind her daughter's disappearance.
Blamed him and tortured him with Zidian, never loved him, or care much about him, but loves her daughter, but reputation of the clan was much important for her.

Now, when Yanli is back she's blaming her for not saying anything before and concerned about her well being now, but not act on the things which she should have done earlier, maybe now her clan reputation wasn't much concerned as it's already diminished.

Or, maybe Yanli shouldn't have run away at all... cos no matter what they're her parents, and it's her clan, so she should be responsible enough to consider about the consequences.

But matter what's wrong it's Weiying who suffered, maybe sometimes people just act upon feelings and sometimes on what others will think...

Do share your opinion.

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