Part 21.

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Wangji entered the pavilion and saw Weiying laying lifeless on a bed, he was looking extremely pale, he red and blue scars are all over his body, which reflection is visible to Wangji through bandages wrapped around the Weiying body.

Wangji went near Weiying, the healers greet him, but he doesn't bother to look at them.

'His condition is critical, there're many wounds of spiritual weapon on his body, which is hard to suppress, but we somehow stop them and stitch them and bleeding stops, but there's a huge blood lose, and his body malnutrition and underweight, probably he hasn't taken any of the medicine I provided him last time, he even left a pouch of medicine here back then, and only taken the medicine which can be taken without water. His state isn't very good so we can't say if he able to make it or not. Cos seeing his condition, seems like he already gives a hope to come back.' Healer said.

'You can stay, I'm going to take a round of a pavilion and check other patients, if there's anything you can call me.' After saying that, healer left from there.

Wangji just keep staring at the Weiying, after sometime Wangji finally dared to reach out for Weiying hand and grab it tightly and begged him to wake up, and say something. He keeps on murmuring something in his mouth then complete silence filled the room, it was about 1 am but Wangji still stayed there.

After some more silence, Wangji finally break it by his words...

'Weiying, Wei Wuxian, I don't know how I feel about the situation how we both meet, our situation wasn't an idol for another, I know... But I just can't help, you never told me the reason, or let me help you, through your face I can tell you're not happy to marry me, but at least I'm happy to have you, I donno the reason, but whenever I look through your pale face, I feel like I'm looking at the moon, and I like to look at the moon it makes me feel complete in my loneliness, you're same for me, whenever I look at you, I feel complete...'
... 'I always been having an ability to push myself through the pain and control my emotions and my pain, I always tried to suppress everything, but when I see you in pain, I feel hurt, I feel suffocated, I can't describe how I'm feeling right now, seeing you like this, all I can say that I don't like this, I want you beside me forever, I love you, and will to forever, please wake up...'

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