Chapter 8: Tensions Rising

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Another late-night update for you all! We get to meet one of my favorite dogs in this chapter... Muhahaha! Good luck and enjoy!

Draco had been avoiding or outright ignoring me for nearly a month at this point, Harry and Ron were convinced that it was because he was scared of me calling him out again. Hermione told me that I had just wounded his pride a bit, but I wasn't convinced.

I thought the broom he'd given me was a good sign... Progress even! Was something else keeping him from talking with me..? Or maybe I was overthinking things again...

It was easy enough to keep these types of thoughts out of my mind since the only classes the Gryffindor and Slytherin houses had together was potions but that was all about to change as Harry, Ron, Hermione and I stood in front of the notice board. Pinned to it was a paper announcing that flying classes were going to start for the first years and it would be a shared class with none other than the Slytherin house...

Even with this news, I refused to let it spoil my mood, flying class was one of the classes that I was really looking forward to! I could tell Harry was as well and with that the group went to breakfast to prepare themselves for class by at least filling up their bellies.

As we ate the owls swooped in just as they always did, O/N dropping a letter into my lap before he landed and helped himself to my food while I pet him and read at the same time.

The last letter I had sent back to my family mainly consisted of complaints about Professor Snape and how he was always so grumpy, I also mentioned the strange dreams I had been having, so far it had only happened once more recently, it was a conversation between the same two men but I wasn't able to catch much of what they were talking about, it sounded crazy but it seemed to be a conversation about something fluffy...

I shook that thought from my mind and focused back on reading the letter at hand:

"Dear Y/N,

This is Mum talking! Or I suppose I should say writing. Anyway, Dad is at work and I have the day off, I got a bit bored so I decided to write to you a bit early! I'm sorry to hear Professor Snape has been giving you and Harry both some trouble but he's always been that way, he was a friend of mine back in school after all! Trust me though when I say you can trust him whole-heartedly, he might not be the warmest person ever, but he really helped me out when I was looking for your uncle U/N back in my year, even if that put himself at risk. As for these dreams, I'm a bit concerned... You said they've been giving you headaches, right? If this keeps happening, I really think you should go to Severus, even if you don't like him, he might be able to help you out. In the meantime, keep wearing that necklace I gave you, okay? It might just look like an old, beat-up ring but it might come in handy for you one day too!

Anyway, sending you and Harry lots of love! I can't wait to hear from you both again soon!

Love, Mum <3"

Though I didn't much like the thought of it, I supposed it might be a good idea to tell someone like Professor Snape about my dreams... Especially with the terrible migraines I'd been getting from them! I decided that I would tell Harry first and then get his opinion on the matter. When I would tell him though, that was a completely different story...

Before I even got a chance to mention the dreams to Harry though, Draco came over and started teasing Neville who had just received a gift – a Remembrall – from his grandma.

The blonde snatched the Remembrall from the hand of Neville, throwing it up and catching it in his hand carelessly, Ron and Harry stood up immediately, I could tell they were looking for a fight... But I would move in front of the two instead and approach Malfoy who was still trying his best to ignore me, giving me the perfect opportunity.

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