Chapter 9: Trick or Troll

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Boss battle time!

It was happening again... I could see nothing but I could hear the conversation of two men clearly, the same men as last time...

"You still haven't found it..?" The first one would say in an outraged hiss while the other stuttered while trying to find a way to answer.

"I-I'm getting closer! I think I know where it is now!"

"YOU THINK!?" The first man would cry in outrage, even causing me to flinch ever so slightly.

"No! I mean, I know! I have a plan to create a distraction on Hallow-"

The second man would be cut off as the one seemingly in charge snapped, "Shut up before you out your whole plan! Can't you tell we're being watched again? But by who..?"

Though I could see nothing, I could feel it as the leader turned his attention on me, that dreadful feeling from before coming back as my head split into a searing headache. I knew immediately that he was trying to get into my head again, trying to find out who I was. 

No, no! I need to wake up! Where's Hermione when I need her!? But I was stuck, this unseen force trapping me in a dream-like state. Pictures flashed in my mind, no, memories... Of the past few weeks here at Hogwarts! Was he digging through my mind? I didn't understand what was happening!

I could hear the man's voice in my head now, he let out a cold laugh as he dug through my mind and focused on my memory of the sorting ceremony. "My, my... A first year with such extraordinary talent, we could use someone like you, you know... But first I need to find out how you found your way into my head..." He focused in on the sorting ceremony once more, replaying how nervous I was and who I went to for support, he let out a surprised, "Oh?" before going on. "You're a friend of Harry Potters! Even more interesting..." 

Before he could catch my name from the memory, I forced my thoughts elsewhere, focusing on the dull throb of pain from the cut on my arm due to the 'incident' last night. It was strong enough to instead bring up the memory of the three-headed dog that nearly tore our heads off last night! It was a good save but only allowed the mystery man to access more information...

"Ah... Clever, but you see, this helps me even more, now we know exactly what to expect when we go searching for that precious little stone... I honestly must thank you for being so helpful! Now I really would like to know that name of yours, a bit of background maybe? Let's go back a bit further...

I could feel him worming his way deeper into my thoughts, I couldn't let this happen! Not. So. Fast. I would grit out in my mind, focusing even more intensely on the pain in my arm until it grew from a dull throb to a full-out burning pain, though it hurt, it was enough to snap me out of my dream!

I sat up straight with a gasp, cold sweat running down my brow as I clutched at my burning arm, focusing now on my breathing until it went back to a dull throb... I could have sworn I heard the man say, "I will find you..." right before I was able to wake myself up, I decided that going back to sleep wouldn't be my best option for the time being... I needed to tell Harry about what the two mystery men were planning as soon as possible! So, with that, I waited patiently in the commons room until the house began to awaken.

It wasn't long after I finished wrapping up my rather large 'scratch' with a fresh bandage that Harry finally came down, pausing ever so slightly after seeing me.

I supposed that he probably thought I was still mad at him from last night and before he started to say anything I quickly spoke up, "Hey... Sorry for the way I acted last night, I'm not mad at you, I think I was just tired and frustrated that I didn't see through Draco's plan..."

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