⚠️not a chapter⚠️

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Ok, I don't know if I should make a Caelus POV or continue the Aether POV. Please Please Please give me suggestions because I have absolutely no ideas on how to continue this. I will definitely continue it, but I just need to think of a way to progress the story in a way that isn't so boring or generic (even if it probably will end up being both those things).

Sorry if this isn't what you wanted. I'm not even sure if anyone even cares enough, but idgaf tbh. I do want people to read it and I'm happy I already have so many story views, but I sort of did this for me so I'd have dadther content to read incase i ever got amnesia or something.

Fun fact: Did you know you can get to the title screen in game? Idk how to do it, but when you get there, you can find the models of Lumine and Aether fighting the sustainer of heavenly principles. It shows the scene of when you choose the MC

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