Memories (Caelus POV)

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After everyone had finished talking a few hours later, they decided to call it a night and go back to their rooms or just hang out with other people in the common area.

Caelus went back to his room and tried to take a nap, but since he was thirsty, he couldn't sleep much. He decided to leave his room to get some water, but that's when he noticed something he had never noticed before.

The door to the room next to his looked... dusty? As if it hadn't been used in a while, the name plate claiming whose room it was also had a layer of dust over it.

Caelus looked at it and, out of pure curiosity, dusted off the nameplate and sneezed at the dust that came off.

After that, he looked at the nameplate and read it "Aether" he was shocked to see his father's name on this random room, but he supposed it had made sense since his father was a trailblazer like him.

He seemed confused, shocked, and conflicted for a moment. 'Did my dad really live in this room? Did they put me in the room next door on purpose?' He asked himself, but he felt his curiosity growing as he looked at the dusty door handle.

After a moment of thinking, he glanced around to make sure no one was watching and then opened the door and quietly slid in, closing the door behind him. He looked around the room curiously as he silently shut the door behind him.

He stepped forward, deeper into the room, and was shocked at all the baby care items there were in here. There were also photos of baby Caelus with both his Auntie Lumine and his father. There were many photos like that except with different people, but most of them were pretty dusty.

He wiped off one of the pictures and sneezed at the dust again. He sniffled slightly and looked at it. It was a picture of him as a toddler smacking his father with a weird toy hand. Whoever took the picture seemed to be laughing.

He didn't remember too much of this time, but it did bring a sense of nostalgia either way. Caelus found himself smiling softly at the cute pictures and laughing at the funny ones, as if he were experiencing them all over again.

Then, a picture of the day his father and auntie left and his mood quickly soured. He remembered that they had left him on the train for years. They had abandoned him.

Caelus hated both his aunt and his father for just leaving him behind and forgetting about him. For all he knew, they could have moved to a different planet entirely, completely forgetting about him.

Caelus hated them, but a part of him missed them both, even if he thought they didn't care for him at all.

He absolutely despised the people who left him... who discarded him like he was trash. He wanted to punch them in the face and yell at them for being so stupid and irresponsible, but he also wanted to hug them and cry in their arms at how much he missed them.

Caelus looked away from the photo. He wanted to break it, but he figured since it wasn't his property, that wouldn't be a good idea.

He kept looking around at the room, and he saw photos of a strange looking planet on a desk.

"Damn, why does my dad have so many photos in here..." he spoke in a hushed tone so he wouldn't be heard.

He looked around the room some more, the picture from earlier Stull burnt into his mind when he remembered what he had left his room for.

He quickly shuffled to the exit and glanced around before sliding out of the room and shutting the door behind him silently.

He walked into the common area (?) and grabbed a cup of water, debating internally if he should tell March 7th and Dan Heng about this or not.

He decided he would sleep on it and decide after he woke up and finished the cup of water.

After that, he threw the cup away and walked to his own room, glancing at his father's before walking inside and going to his bed and falling asleep.


I'm back! Yayaya, im back!! 🤩
I got suuuuper bored of writing this, and I had absolutely no ideas on what this chapter would be about, I also completely forgot about it after a while cuz life n stuff, anywho tell me if you liked the chapter or if it was too short or smth, I want some constructive criticism 😌

Word count: 788

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