Chapter 8: The train station part 2

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The route to the train station was not far anymore, but our journey was taking too long. Soon enough, the sun would start to rise and we would be without cover. However, everywhere we went, we came across Seekers and Herders and, in some streets, Reds were patrolling the area while Breakers were tearing down buildings. We hadn't seen them so active during the days before. Either something was happening or they were trying to find something. I wondered which of the two it was, but I didn't want to find out right now. We moved very carefully between the streets, only walking when we were sure the Seekers or others weren't around.

We neared the train station from the north as the first rays of sunshine came over the horizon. The shadows we were hiding in became less and less each minute, We had to cross the road to the station without being seen. When we reached the end of the street that led to the station, I looked around the corner. The train station square was empty, aside from the trash that had piled up after the storm. We waited one moment and then ran the entire way down the square to the station and went in through one of the broken windows. We caught our breaths a little as we walked down further into the station, moving away from the big window façade.

The train station was dimly lit by the rising sun which made it difficult to see what was ahead. We carefully walked in order not to make noise and alert any potential robots in the building. Looking around us, we could see that several of the stores had been looted by other people. I wondered if those people were still around or if they had been taken by the robots. After we had passed the commercial area, we came near the trains. However, the doors leading towards the platforms were closed. We tried to push the doors open, but it seemed something on the other side was blocking it.

'What do we do now?', Johnny whispered.

'We go back to the food court and go in from the other doors', I told him. 'Hopefully that door is open'.

We walked back the way we came and went to the other side of the food court. There, the doors to the platform also seemed to be blocked by something on the other side.

'Damn!', Captain Toad said. 'How do we get through now?'

'We could check the other side of the station', I replied. 'However, that would take us back outside.'

'So, we are stuck here?', Johnny wondered.

'I'm afraid so', I answered. 'I don't think we could sneak past the robots during daylight at the moment.'

'Shhh', Captain Toad said. 'Did you hear that?'

'Hear what?', I asked him.

'It sounded like something fell down at the food court', he said with a worrying look on his face.

'Should we check it out?', I wondered.

'Let's take a look', Captain Toad said. 'It might be someone'.

Captain Toad started inching forward, back towards the food court. There, at the corner, he remained still and looked carefully around. He could see the trashed food court and stores, but no robots were around. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of something moving in a pizza restaurant.

'There!', Captain Toad pointed. 'At Papa Koopa's Pizza! I see something moving'.

Me and Johnny looked closer and, indeed, someone fully dressed in black was moving around in the restaurant.

'What is he doing?', Johnny wondered.

'I think he is looting', Captain Toad responded.

'We should go to him' Johnny said. 'Maybe he knows how to get to the platforms?'

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