Chapter 13: Star Summit Assault part 1

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Chapter 16: Star Summit Assault

'Listen up, soldiers', Colonel Kooper of the 3rd Bowser brigade said firmly. 'Bowser instructed me to brief you on the special operation to retrieve the star rod from the Mushroom kingdom. Now that, we finally have Luigi on board, we can begin operation Star Summit Assault. The plan is simple and consists of two phases. First and foremost will be the surprise attack headed by Mr Lombardi. He alleges that, he can fly his Arwing flying machine straight to the Mushroom kingdom and can cause chaos behind their lines. We predict that this will be sufficient to distract the enemy long enough for phase 2 to go on without a hitch. I will now give the floor to Mr Lombardi to further explain his part of the operation in more detail.

'Thank you, Colonel', Falco saluted. 'Some five years ago, I faced the Alliance together with my team in the skies above Corneria. Our defences were strong and we were able to push them back in certain areas. However, they outnumbered us and quickly regained the upper-hand by focussing their attacks on the Starfox team. During this fight I was hit by a missile that caused my warp drive to malfunction and it warped me here. Over the past five years, I together with a team of engineers from this planet have rebuild my Arwing which is now mostly combat ready again. The Alliance has no knowledge that I am on this planet nor that I am alive. I believe that as soon as i fly out of the city, the Alliance will divert all their attention to me.

'This is the moment that the second part of the operation will launch' the Colonel interrupted. 'Once Mr Lombardi takes off in his device and diverts their attention, Kamek will teleport a taskforce as close to the summit as possible. This taskforce will be headed by Sergeant Major Bones. He will now inform you about his part of the operation.

'Thank you, Sir' Sergeant Major Bones saluted and stepped forward. 'The plan is simple. Kamek will teleport me, Luigi and four selected elite Dry-bones soldiers to the star summit. Due to the problems with teleportation from this distance, he will keep the gate open for as long as he can. We have an estimated 20 minutes to get the star rod and to get back to the gate safely. If we don't then we are stuck there. If all goes well, we won't have to engage the enemy and we are in and out within that time. If it goes south, we have to protect Luigi at all costs and get him to the star rod and back again. He is the only person of this operation that can open the seal on the Star rod .

The Colonel stepped forward again and saluted the Sergeant major .

'This operation is of a vital importance to the war effort' The Colonel said towards the soldiers. 'It will break the siege of our marvellous city and the stalemate we are currently in. You will and must retrieve the star rod at any and all material or personal costs. Have I made myself clear!

'Yes sir, Colonel', the soldiers replied loudly.

'Excellent!. Mr Lombardi! You have permission to take off. ETA of the taskforce is at 1900. You better be there!'

'Don't worry, sir. I will be there.


'The rest of you get your gear ready and head to Kamek's tower right away.'

'Yes sir, Colonel', we said in unison.

Once the briefing was done, I followed Sergeant Major Bones and the soldiers towards the armoury. From the corner of my eye, I could see Falco talking to the Colonel and going over a map that hanged on the wall. It looked like they were discussing how he had to fly, but I didn't hear what they said. The Sergeant Major led us out of the room and up a flight of stairs. The armoury was not far away from the meeting room and when the door opened, I was amazed at how many items and weapons lay in the room. There were dozens of different hammers, flowers, health potions, shields and more.

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