Chapter 14: Capt Toad's story part 2

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'I can't believe what is happening', Pūko stammered.

'Me too, but we must stay strong and fight them off', Capt toad said boastful.

'I don't know how to fight', Pūko started crying.

'Don't worry Pūko', Capt Toad said while comforting Pūko. 'You can help at one of the bullet bill bunkers. Just load some canons and fire them'.

'Yeah... That sounds like something I can do' Pūko said while whipping away her tears.

Pūko and Capt Toad split up and the both ran toward their goal. Pūko went for the nearest bullet bill bunker and started helping with the loading of the guns while Capt toad went for the trenches.

He jumped in just as an explosion struck not far from him. Slightly dazed, Capt Toad stood up and looked around. The trench was filled with soldiers and civilians covered in dirt. A soldier came towards him and started shacking him.

'Get yourself together, son. We need all hands on deck'.

The soldier picked up the items that he had dropped when jumping in the trench and handed him a fire flower.

'You know how to use this?

'Yes, I know', Capt Toad said still slightly dazed.

'Then use it and start firing at those robots. We need to return fire.'

Capt Toad grabbed the fire flower and found a position in the trench to fire from. Looking over the edge of the trench, he could see the outstretched lava landscape with not far from him the barrier that kept the mist out and in front of that the first trench. The robots that had broken through the barrier were shooting blue beams towards the remaining soldiers.

'Return fire', a familiar voice shouted from somewhere down the trench.

What followed was a barrage of hundreds of fire and ice balls that formed a bouncing wave of destruction. As the balls of fire and ice hit the robots, they seemed to be slowed down, but not damaged by it.

'Keep firing!', The familiar voice yelled.

Again a barrage of fire and ice went over the trench and towards the robots. The robots again remained undamaged, but slowed them further down. What followed next was a sudden volley of bullet bills coming from behind us. Some of the robots, who were still slowed down were hit by the bullet bills and exploded. The other robots managed to dodge or destroy the incoming missiles, but where now distracted. This gave the soldiers in the front trench the opportunity to throw a couple dozen of Bomb-ombs before they abandoned the trench.

Seconds later a wave of explosions went off between the robots as one by one the bomb-ombs exploded. When the dust settled cheers went around the battlefield. A lot of robots had been destroyed and they were now scrambling to form a line.

'Hold your fire!', the voice yelled. 'Get those wounded out of the trench right now!'

A group of soldiers with medical gear ran towards the trench and disappeared out of sight.

The robots had managed to quickly form a line and from behind them new robots could be seen getting through the barrier. The new robots walked to and stopped behind the other robots. As we watched, the robots were forming six rows with more robots coming behind them. When all was said and done there were thirty robots standing neatly packed together.

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