Chapter 14: Capt Toad's story part 1

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The guards held Capt Toad back as he tried to break through to get to Luigi.

'Luigi!', Capt Toad yelled. 'Where are you taking him?'.

'Please stay calm, sir', one of the guards said. 'You don't want this to get messy'.

'You are taking away my friend!', Capt Toad yelled as he broke from their grip and grabbed the fence. 'Luigi! Don't worry, I will find you!

He felt a sharp pain when a guard hit him in his side and he dropped to his knees

'Get back in line, sir!', the guard said angerly. 'He has been arrested on the orders of lord Bowser. Whatever his fate is, you won't be able to do anything'.

Capt Toad pulled himself up using the fence and turned to the guards. He had tears in his eyes from the pain, but also for Luigi. Capt toad wanted to say something, but figured that arguing with the guard was pointless and he went back to stand in line. It took about half an hour more before, he was through to the other side. At the checkpoint the guards had taken almost everything of use from his backpack leaving only personal items. Not knowing what to do he decided to follow the crowd off people heading towards the nearest corridor.

While shuffling into the crowded line of people a hand touched his shoulder. A shock went up his spine fearing guards he turned around to find a familiar face.

'I know you, right?'

'Yes it is me, Pūko'

'Ahh yeah, Pūko. Good to see you'

'How are you doing? I saw what they did to you and with Luigi. Should we go and find him?'.

'I am doing fine. I am just a little bit hurt, but yes. Let's find Luigi, but I don't know where'.

'We just need to find Bowser, I think. Let's get out and see if we can find someone to bring us to him.

'That sounds good'.

Together, they followed the crowd of people. It was hot, sweaty and slow moving. It was horrible to walk through the corridor which was contrasted by the marble and gold design of the decoration on the walls. Everywhere stood statues of Bowser and historical paintings hang from the walls. It was a marvellous thing to see and if it wasn't for the situation it would have been something to look at and admire.

The corridor exited into a big chamber where people were gathering around several boards. It was unclear what was on it, but people around it looked depressed and some were crying.

'Stay here', Pūko said 'I will check it out'.

She got in between the people and pushed her way forward while Capt Toad moved back against the wall to get out of the way.

It took several minutes for her to come back, but when she came back she had a sad expression.

'What is it?'

'it's a noticeboard...'

'A noticeboard?'.

'Yeah...It had a lot of people on it. I... don't want to talk about it'.

'I understand. Let's get out of here'.


We left the noticeboard behind and made our way to the over-sized metal doors of the central station. Stepping out of the station, we entered a square on which a chaotic mess of people stood. They were screaming and children were crying. Soldiers had barricaded the entire square and people were pressing against the fences. At certain parts of the fence checkpoints were set-up with above them the names of kingdoms. There were checkpoints named Bowser, Mushroom, Boo, Bomb-omb Kingdom as well as Sarrasaland, Yoshi Island and others. In the middle of the square stood a tower on which a Koopa was standing with a megaphone.

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