Sex tape???

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Bax stood alone in his Manshion. Was this really it? Him left an orphan.. having accidentally killed his greatest enemy, Felonious Gru.?
He did what all good orphans do;
Buy a mansion on an island in the middle of a lake in the middle of the city and eat lobster in the dark. For he was.. the Elliott smith Batman.
Bax unhinged his jaw casually, swallowing another lobster whole as his lovely husband, Charlie Chaplin rolled in. Charlie Chaplin was looking different these days, deciding to no longer wear his prosthetic limbs. He was of course, Charles the hoover

Bax thought he was very gorgeous He had even taken the time to try learn hoover language, which was very hard becayse he was secretly Batman

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Bax thought he was very gorgeous
He had even taken the time to try learn hoover language, which was very hard becayse he was secretly Batman.
Bax stood back.. confused
Charlie Chaplin had.. found his parents sex tape?? He HAD to watch it
Bax sat back in his bat cave while it started playing. It immediately went into action.. but Draco malfoy wasn't there. It was..

B-Bojack horseman.
Bax watched in horror as Bojack horseman boned Felonious Gru, who moaned "ready or not here I cum" in an Australian accent.
Bax's mouth gaped open ... his other father was Bojack horseman from that one show back in the 90s??? And .. it was proven that Bojack horseman was immortal meaning...
Bax looked back at Charlie .. but he was gone !! Instead it was Bojack motherfucking horseman !!!
And Charlie Chaplin was... hanging above a pit of lava. Bax groaned.. he knew getting a pit of lava in his house with no handrails was a bad idea.
Bojack grinned before pulling out a comically large toy hammer.
And then everything went black

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