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Bax blinked his eyes open... and he could not recognise where he was at all. He was in a closet of sorts?? This wouldnt do.. not at all
He pulled a stale bagel out of his pocket and began to hit the door with it. It had been in his pocket for almost 8 years at this point, and because it was from America it had gotten considerably harder and not molded .. heh... I love chemicals.
Slowly but surely the begel chipped through the closet door and he stepped out. He was in... the president's office???? He jumped ti his feet non gracefully like a really old cat
He gasped as he realised his former hubby bububby was standing before him.. wearing a blue sit with a red and yellow logo... he was... hoover superman..
And the president Sonic gotagofast was standing beside superman with a depressed and very anguished look on his face.
"Batman.. I'm afraid I have to execute you.."
Bax almost gasped but decided not to. "E-e-e-execute me??? B-b-b-but I no no wanna"
Sonic sighed shaking his head.. "you don't understand.. you killed felonious Gru.. he was my e-kitten.. my favourite e-kitten"
Bax decided to gasp this time.
"He was??? My daddy was a cheater AND an E kitten??? What will Bojack horseman say"
Bojack horseman popped in with his super duper horse powers. "It's true,,, I fucked him only to get information on the crime syndicate he was apart of."
Bax started to sob, filling the room slowly with his tears.. he was just made because of being undercover and information??? This would not do.
Bax let out a supersonic screech that deafened everyone around him and broke the window before flying off like an ungraceful dying moth

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