Oh no..

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Eminem and Draco smiled while walking into the nursery. Their beautiful baby boy was here.. and he was oh so adorable.
They walked over to the crib before Draco stepped back in horror.
"Our baby !! He's gone !!" Draco cried, in a very omega way. His blue orbs filled with massive tears.
"Baby gorl" Eminem said in a very alpha voice. "It's going to be okay.. we'll find him."
But before they could make another move they heard a faint noise coming from the wardrobe. A familiar noise...
"My gorgeous poopy pants.. is that behind the bars by Elliott smith?" Draco purred at Eminem in an confused manner.
"Yes." Eminem creamed in response, covering his ears. Eminem was really allergic to depressing music which is why he was crying blood.
They slowly inched towards wardrobe. It was a small wardrobe becauase Draco got insecure if anything in the house was bigger than his member.. which is why he everything was under 200ft. Eminem slowly inched the wardobe door open with his pinky toe. And there was their baby, swaddled nicely in a baby blue blanket.
But something was wrong.. looking closer at the baby they realised.. it was an old wrinkly man. The baby opener it's eyes then, revealing it's piercing electrical blue eyes. Draco immediately stepped back in shock, blinded by the sheer blueness of the baby's eyes.
It was whispering too...
"Drink up baby.. stay up all night" it said in a very raspy old man voice
Then it stood up..
The baby was so dusty he looked pixelated.. his blonde hair was basically white.. his blue orbs were so blue it was a health hazard.
"Drink. Up baby.. stay up.. all night" he rasped. He was hunched over like a life of luxury monster..
It was true.. the pure blueness of the old baby's eyes had gouged out Draco's. Heh.. he was too omega anyways.
The creature gasped "I am Bax.. the only Elliott smith fan allowed ever"
Bax screeched evilly "drink up... baby.. stay up all night."
The force of this blasted Draco through 12 walls and into his in indoor pizza place
"NOOO MY BABY GORLLA..." Eminem cried.. his eyes full of blood,, his tears crimson. He crumpled to the floor.. his alpha instincts gone without his omega.
The Bax creature walked up to him..
and that was the end of them...

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