Chapter 2: Echoes of Past Events

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Unknown Female: C'mon we have to leave right now

Unknown Male: There's no running from these people you have to get out of here 

Unknown Female: Babe, please we have to try I won't let them catch you 

Unknown Male: No just go they want me, not you 

Unknown female: Please don't do this come with me we can hide out somewhere you said you have friends who can help us up in Canada right 

Unknown male: Look I have to buy you some time just go baby go live

Unknown female: Please no... don't do this 

Unknown Male: I love you... NOW GO 

Thursday 6 am 

Zain awakes from his nightmare a slight sigh sounds from his dry mouth as he emerges from his bed and sits up, he looks over to his nightstand finding his water bottle to be completely devoid of the H20 that resided in it, Getting up he makes his way out into the kitchen and fixing himself some water.

Zain in his mind: God every damn night, Well I'm awake might as well make use of it 

He goes to his bedroom and grabs his boxing gloves and his headphones and goes into the backyard and starts to attack the punching bag throwing blow after blow at the sand-filled bag he looks out into the early morning sunrise, a somber look spreads across his face, unexpectedly the back door opens.

Zach: You know some of us are trying to get some sleep right 

Zain: you wanna come over and replace this bag with your face then 

Zach: you know I can kick your ass right 

Zain: Nuh uh 

Zach: uhh Yuh huh 

Zain: yeah well why are you up at this hour 

Zach: I got work this morning remember 

Zain: Oh shit yeah I forgot 

Zach: Why are you up this morning 

Zain: Got work in an hour big fella 

Zach: Hey so I was thinking that I would pick up some guns on my way home anything I need to know your kinda the expert on that 

Zain: If you have your license and bank  oh and no felonies then you should be good 

Zach: I already got Jacs and Zacs I still need to get yours 

Zain: Don't worry about me I already have some

Zach: You already have some? 

Zain: Yeah I told you remember I bought one last year 

Zach: oh yeah lol 

Zain: Dumbass

Zach: Unnecessary

Zain: Fully Necessary

Zach: Alright well I'm going to get ready for work ill see you later tonight 

Zain: Alright later 

As Zach leaves Zain goes back to punching the bag for a couple more minutes before he ultimately goes to get ready for work, But when Zain enters his closet he gets flashes of memories that are all too familiar to him and stumbles onto a locked safe hidden away in the corner of the closet.

Zain in his mind: *Sigh* Never again 

He changes grabs his things hops on his bike and rides off into the distance, When Zain reaches his job site his boss calls him into his office.

Boss: Hey man someone came by and was asking for you 

Zain: Who?

Boss: He didn't give a name he just said "Is Zain around" in a heavy Mexican accent 

Zain: Ok thanks for letting me know I'll keep an eye out 

He leaves the office and continues about his day cutting down trees and processing the wood from them as a suspicious Black SUV observes from a distance. 

8 Hours Later 

The Black SUV was long gone and so was Zains Energy, he swiftly clocked out and headed toward his bike, when he pulled out his phone and called his friends

Zach: Hawlow 

Zain: Hawloww 

Zach: hey whad up 

Zain: Yall can go ahead and start dinner without me I'm going to be home late

Zach: OK is everything ok

Zain: Yeah yeah just have to go visit someone real quick I'll be home soon 

Zach: OK see you soon

Zain Hangs up the call but starts another one 

Gabby: Hello 

Zain: Hey Gabs how you doing 

Gabby: I'm doing fine just catching up on some work 

Zain: Sweet what kinda work 

Gabby: Oh you know police work you know how it is 

Zain: Unfortunately I do,need any help with it 

Gabby: Actually i do i know you know history so I need to pick your head about something 

Zain: Sure ill be over soon 

Gabby: Okie dokie 

Zain rides over to Gabby's house located in a dense forest just 20 minutes away from the lumber yard.

Zain: So what's up 

Gabby: OK so you know how in the 1950s the miners who went up on Madahee were trapped in a cave in right 

Zain: Yeah a couple days with no food or water right 

Gabby: Yeah well I was looking over some case files and something caught my eye, they spent a couple days with no food or water so when they got rescued there were only 12 of them left over the 30 that went in that day, So what happened to the other 18.

Zain: Well from what I remember they found an emergency food supply that was down in the mines right? 

Gabby: Right but that doesn't explain what happened to the other 18 miners, from some accounts people have speculated that they either ventured further into the mines and didn't return or and bare with me now, they WERE the emergency food supply.

Zain: So what your trying to say is that the miners that got rescued ATE the other 18 that actually kinda makes sense considering that they were found not malnourished and high on energy 

Gabby: I won't know for sure unless I get a closer look but I can't go up there alone 

Zain: Wait what are you planning to find it was in the 50s Gabs its 2000 now  

Gabby: Yeah but the sanatorium that was up there the police could never get a warrant for it so maybe there'll be some surviving documents there on what actually happened i just need a way to get up there. 

Zain: Well actually me and the gang were planning on going up there this weekend for gits and shiggles 

Gabby: Gits and Shiggles? 

Zain: Yeah why don't you come with us, you can come with us and maybe supervise it'll help to have a Detective with us 

Gabby: Fine I can give us access for 3 days 

Zain: Perfect you're the best I'll text you the details and come get you once we leave 

Gabby: Alright I'll see you then 

Zain leaves Gabby's house with a sense of gratitude towards her and returns to his residence, as he arrives a Black SUV pulls off in the distance 

?: Hasta pronto hermano (See you soon brother ).

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