Epilogue: Zac

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Zac sits at a Bar top drinking his sorrows and depression away in a bottle of Whiskey, he still hasn't forgotten about the events that transpired 5 months prior but he tries to, he rarely talks to the others anymore, with 2 weeks behind on rent and no job future in sight he is faced with a dilemma when 2 men in suits approach him.

Unknown man 1: Hey barkeep gimme an extra round for my friend here and 2 for us 

Bartender: Who him? I was unaware his depressed self had friends 

Unknown man 2: Hey keep your comments to yourself ok 

Bartender: alright whatever 

Zac: I don't know who you are so get lost I don't talk to strangers 

Unknown man 1: Oh but you will get to know us Zac... see we know you 

Zac: Oh did your research did you just leave me alone 

Unknown man 2: Listen man we can help you 

Zac: I'm fine I don't need your help 

Unknown man 1: Yeah the empty bottle of whiskey is helping you out real good here 

Zac: You got a point suit?

Unknown Man 2: it's best if we talk outside 

Zac reluctantly follows the 2 men outside the bar where they lead him to their car, a Big Cadalac GMV where they suddenly put a bag over his head and knock him out.



Zac awakes in a room handcuffed to a table and sitting down in a chair in front of him were the 2 men from the bar, they were both standing in front of a glass window 

Zac: wh--where am I 

Unknown Man 2: you'll know in a little bit 

Unknown Man 1: Zac we are sorry for being so rough but we needed you to follow us 

Zac: I'm pretty sure If you were going to tell me what this was about I would've done it 

Unknown man 1: Look if you knew what this was about you wouldn't have come with us 

Zac: What are you talking about 

Unknown man 2: What your about to hear is strictly confidential and cannot leave this building understand?

Zac: Yeah yeah i--- I understand 

Unknown man 1: 5 Months ago you and your group ran into mythological creatures in Canada is that correct 

Zac: yeah I --- I try to forget about that day

Unknown man 2: You also ran into a Mexican Cartel member is that correct 

Zac: That fucking bitch killed my friends I won't ever forget him 

Unknown man 1: These Mythological creatures... what can you tell us about them 

Zac: There not mythological at all... They are from Native American Folklore their names are the Wendigo and they form from humans who resort to cannibalism on the mountains of Alberta 

Unknown Man 2: Well we need your help to destroy them, the mountains are already on lockdown but we need an expert on the case 

Zac: Why me go find out where the others are and ask them 

Unknown Man 2: They have lives ahead of them from our point you were one drink away from a blown-off head 

Unknown Man 1: Listen we need your help then after you'll be let go with some incentives as well

Zac: *sigh* I hate those things... Fine ill do it... now can you please tell me where I am? 

Unknown man 1: Great Zac you won't regret this, Welcome to the CIA

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