Chapter 10: Final Decent

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Zain and Dante Held their stare at each other for what felt like an eternity, When Suddenly Zain Spoke up.

Zain: Dante... let him go 

Dante: How long has it been Zain... like 15 years, 15 Years without my brother

Zach: Zain What's he talking about 

Zain: You should've just let me go Dante it all would've been so much simpler 

Dante: are you that stupid... you knew the rules 

Zain: Fuck your rules I had a life 

Dante: Eliza was nothing more than a fling for you---- you were a born killer 

Zach: Wha--- whos Eliza 

Zain: Dante I loved her you son of a bitch 

Dante: I loved my brother too, But you didn't... Stuck a knife right in his face because of a WHORE

That Notion made Zain's Blood boil and right as Dante Got Screamed Zac took this opportunity and elbowed Dante right in the face, Zain Proceeded to rush Dante and Tackled him through a table. Zach and Gabby Rushed over to Zac and Jac while Zain and Dante were fighting.

Zach: Oh fuck not you too, please 

Gabby: Shes fine Zach shes ok 

Zac: Fuck agh... I'm good I'm okay 

Zach: Wait oh shit Zain 

The Group looked over to Zain and were in awe at the fighting style he was performing as if he was trained by Professionals.

Zain: You fuck I should've finished the job back in Sinaloa 

Dante: Oh what too pussy to do it now 

Zain: say why don't you say hi to Julio for me when you meet him 

Dante got angered at this comment and rushed Zain, He swiftly strafed to the side and hit a right hook to his face, Dante fell to the floor and Zain Grabbed a Vase ready to bash his face in, Dante suddenly Pulled out a Pistol and Shot Zain in the Shoulder causing him to drop the vase, The Gunshot Echoed out all over the mountain causing the Wendigo's to hear and close in on their position, Zain kicked the gun away from Dante and started to punch him.

Gabby: Shit that's gonna attracted the monsters 

Zach: Zain we gotta go now 


Zac: Were not leaving you here man 

Dante: yeah... that's it run... like last time--- too pussy to do anything 

Zain kept on throwing punch after punch to Dante while the group stayed and watched their angered friend not knowing he had it in him, Dante suddenly had a rush of adrenaline and got a mean left hook in and knocked Zain to the ground.

Dante: You call this man your friend but he would betray you all in an instant 

the two stopped fighting to catch their breath 

The group all hold Dante at gunpoint 

Zac: He's a better friend than you 

Dante: Oh I'm no saint myself but this man heh he's a monster... he went over lines even I hesitate to cross

Zain: Sh--shut the --- fuck ---up 

Zach: What are you talking about 

Dante: After Eliza died he went mad... 

Dante had a wave of Sadness wash over him as he said the next part 

Dante: he... he took my brother's head and came to my house with it 

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