Chapter 8: Brother's Keeper

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Zach and Chris found themselves in the mines with little ammo in their weapons to fight whatever was heading their way, Zach lifted Chris onto his shoulder and took off down one of the many different subterranean pathways the creatures following suit after them.

Chris: Za-- zach--- p--put---- me down ---- run ---i-- I'm not---going to mak----make it---

Zach: Shut up your going to make it I'll get you back to the lodge ill patch you up Your going to be fine 

Chris: I---Ho--hope----yo---your----right

as Zach keeps on running with Chris over his shoulder he deters any dark thoughts that enter his mind but soon he feels a heavy weight on his shoulder.

Zach: Chris wake your ass up... brother.... BROTHER 

Zach keeps on sprinting trying to navigate the mines while also trying to keep his Kin awake, but his luck runs out as he runs straight into a dead end, hearing the creatures behind him Zach doesn't have any other choice but to set Chris down and pull out his sidearm, The creature suddenly makes himself known to Zach's iris.

Left shocked and stunned at the sight in front of him Zach remains still as the creature moves past him and towards his unconscious brother, Suddenly breaking out of the shock and awe Zach grabs the creature's boney leg, lifts it up, and slams him to the ground.

Zach: Get away from him you sonofabitch 

The creature screams and lunges toward Zach but he responds with a right hook to the creature's face followed by several Shots from his sidearm, to Zachs surprise the creature was unfazed by the gunshots, Zach put away his gun resorting to settling the matter with his fists, Punches were thrown but none seemed to stun the creature, as Zach was lifted into the sky and thrown against the wall a torch fell beside him.

Zach grabbed the torch and shoved it into the beast's chest, the creature bellows and wails and retreats into the darkness of the cave. Zach picks up his brother and proceeds to find an exit, he walks into an opening in the cave with a way out at the top.

Zach: Brother we gotta climb from here 

Chris: Yo--- your not --- gon---na-- make--- it ---with---m--e 

Zach: Watch me 

Proceeding one foot at a time with his fingers clenching the rocks above his face Zach scales the side of the cave, the freezing temperature of the mountain clawing at his fingers the treck was made even harder but filled with determination and fear of his brother being stripped away from his life Zach follows through with the climb, Screams of unhuman entities howl from further down the mine.

Grabbing a rock above the climb Zach Lifts himself and his brother over the massive drop, he breathes a sigh of relief and grasps for a breath of air as the climb stole every ounce of energy out of his system.

Zach: Told you I could do it 

Chris: He--heh ne--never--doubted--you

Zach: Alright lets get you ho--- SHIT

Zach watches as a creature emerges from the drop and grabs ahold of Chris's leg piercing its claws deep into the bone of the helpless individual 

Chris: AHH--FU--CK


Zach is holding on to his brother for dear life but it is all for naught. 

Chris: Bro--brother--- I --- I Lo--love--you


Chris: Zach---Let go


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