Epilogue: Zach

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Zach walks along a trail in the woods reflecting on the past years of his life, of how events from before have led him up to this moment.

It had been a few years since Jac had passed, Natural causes aside she stayed by Zach's side the entire way, Now Zach was wandering the woods not knowing of his purpose when suddenly he stopped in his tracks. 

He Looked up at stared at the mountain in front of his face, the mountain that took his brothers from him, the mountain that took his life away from him, Zach was all of a sudden filled with malice and rage the creatures on this mountain took away his brothers and he did nothing about it.

Now that Jac was not with him anymore there was nothing holding him back, Zach swore on his life he would get revenge on the beasts that killed Zain and Chris.


The winding mountain road stretched endlessly before them, twisting and turning through the dense forest like a serpent in the night. As a group of friends approached the secluded lodge, a sense of anticipation hung heavy in the air, mingling with the chill of the mountain breeze.

Amidst the chatter and laughter of the group, a figure emerged from the shadows, standing silhouetted against the fading light of dusk. He was tall and lean, his features obscured by the brim of his hat and the collar of his coat.

"Who's that?" a woman whispered, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

a man shrugged, his brow furrowing in confusion. "I don't know. Maybe he's a hiker or something."

Zach approached, his footsteps muffled by the fallen leaves that carpeted the forest floor. His gaze was intense, his eyes hidden beneath the shadow of his hat, yet they seemed to pierce through the darkness with an otherworldly clarity.

"Can I help you?" another woman ventured, her voice wavering slightly.

Zach's lips curled into a half-smile, revealing a flash of white teeth. "Perhaps," he replied, his voice low and gravelly.

another man stepped forward, eyeing the stranger warily. "What are you doing out here?"

Zach's smile widened, his eyes gleaming with an unsettling light. "I'm here to offer you a warning," he said, his voice carrying a note of urgency.

the woman shivered, wrapping her arms around herself protectively. "A warning about what?"

But before Zach could respond, a loud crash echoed through the forest, causing the group to jump in alarm. They turned as one, scanning the darkness for signs of danger, but when they turned back, He was gone, vanished into the night like a wisp of smoke.

As the wind howled mournfully through the trees, the group couldn't shake the feeling that they had just encountered something beyond their comprehension, something ancient and powerful that lurked in the shadows, waiting to reveal its true nature.

Little did they know, the arrival of the stranger was just the beginning of a harrowing journey into the heart of darkness, where secrets long forgotten would be unearthed, and the true nature of their reality would be revealed in all its terrifying glory.

That Night Zach was watching the group of teens in the lodge making sure they were safe when suddenly a loud crackle of a tree branch sounded in the distance, He unsheathed his machete and followed suit stalking whatever made that noise.

Zach suddenly followed the noise when suddenly he made contact with the creator of the sound, his eyes filled with anger and hatred as he stared at the creature, it was him... the same one all those years ago... the one who took everything from Zach.

He could still hear the screams of his brother and friend, he could visualize the explosion that took the life away from his best friend, as he stared at the creature he couldn't help but realize... the creature was stalking something... no not something... Someone when suddenly he heard.


Zach thought to himself "Those damn kids" as he watched the creature stalk toward his prey, "he couldn't let that thing get to them" he thought to himself, as the creature got closer and closer Zach got up, lifted his flamethrower, and ignited the creature ablaze.

The Creature made a horrifying sound as it scattered away and out of sight of Zach, he suddenly heard two girls scream and began to run away from something, He followed suit until he heard the sound of a sign cracking and screaming. 

He rushed over to the cliffside and looked over, he saw the girls holding onto a tree branch, Zach quickly reached down and tried to grasp the girl's hand but ultimately it was for naught as he watched the branch snap and he watched as the girls fall to their deaths. Suddenly the creature appeared behind him, tired of all the running, hunting, and stalking the stranger lifted his flamethrower and doused the creature in flames as it lunged at him.

Unhuman-like screams emitted from the creature as it was being washed with flames but the stranger did not let up not until he didn't hear any more screams, he stopped as he inspected the creature. 

It was Dead, he successfully killed the creature that tormented him for so long, and he avenged his brother, his best friend, and the girls who were its latest victims, Zach was finally at peace but his duty was not done until he lifted this curse from this treacherous mountain. 

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