Chapter 7: Morpheus Revelatus

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Chris wakes up in a dark damp decrepit cave unsure of how he got there, his eyes slowly flutter open as he struggles to stand up reeling in pain as he looks down at his leg, it has a deep scratch mark on it and a gash on his head, he crawls over to a wall with sounds of creatures around him, he pulls out his sidearm and suddenly passes out. 


Gabby and Zain make their way through the dark hallways of the once-rich and scary asylum they suddenly come across a room with a sign on the front door stating "Records Room"

Gabby:  OK so look for anything that has to do with patients admitted near the time of the cave-in 

Zain: Got it 

As they searched through documents and files a sudden clang from down the hall caught the duo's attention. 

Zain: What was that 

Gabby: Might be the creature 

Zain: Keep looking I'll make sure it's all clear 

Gabby: That's a stupid idea lets just both look and then leave 

Zain: Im not going to let whatever is out there get in here and hurt us 

Gabby: Stay safe ok 

Zain: OK

Zain exits the room and stealthily proceeds down the hallway when he hears a clanging on the other side of a door, he undraws his shotgun holds it close, and with a swift motion turns the corner and aims into the room but finds nothing there, he scans the room from top to bottom but finds no means to the clanging he heard. 

Back at the records room, Gabby is still searching for more files on the cave-in survivors she is so deep in concentration that she doesn't notice the spider-like creature descend from the ceiling and onto the floor, her senses tell her something is off as she turns around and sees the creature that presents itself in front of her, she doesn't move a muscle as she is in shock and terror, The creature scans the room not noticing the horrified detective that stands in front of it.

The sound of footsteps approach the room and with them, the creature jerks its head to the door ready to lunge at whatever or whoever walks through the doors 

Zain: Gabby it must have been a rat or su-- HOLY SHIT 

The creature leaps onto Zain as he whips his firearm up but not quick enough as the creature drags him to the ground, Zain Kicks it in the face and tries to reach for his shotgun looking at the still-shocked detective in the room, the creature drives it claws into Zains back, He Wails in agony and with those wails Gabby finally gets out of her terrified and helpless state, She grabs Zains shotgun and as the creature dives for her she shoots it out of the window and onto the spikes of the fence down below. 

Gabby rushes over to Zain as he lies on the ground injured from his scrimmage with the beast

Gabby: Shit shit shit I'm sorry I'm soo sorry 

Zain: Hey hey HEY look at me you were scared its in your nature its not your fault 

Gabby: no no it is fuck I'm really sorry here let me help you up 

Zain: thanks its only a graze though 

Gabby: Only a graze that thing stuck its claws in your back 

Zain: Not deep enough to hit anything important and hey I've been through worse remember 

Gabby: heh I thought you said not to bring that up again 

Zain: ha yeah I can you cant 

Gabby: heh jerk 

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