Chapter One

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A loud ringing shook you from your slumber, you groan as you rose from your bed and lazily rubbed your tired eyes. Seven a.m. sharp, time for work. You got out of bed, immediately missing it's warmth as cold air brushed against your skin. With a long yawn, you walked to your closet and pulled out your work dress.

It was a simple waitress outfit, all white with a matching apron tied around the waist. You make your way to the bathroom and took a shower before getting tidied up and got dressed. The dress your wore went right below your knees, and showed off your arms. Though, it was a little tight around the bust and hips. At first you feared you told your boss the wrong size, but it turns out, he's just another one of those types...

You would have quit just for that reason alone, but, you weren't in a position to pick and choose what job you wanted. Times were tough for you at the moment, rent isn't cheap, as tiny as your apartment is, and you can barely afford to keep yourself fed. You were lucky to find this job when you did. Speaking of, it was time you got a move on.

You hurried out the door and made your way to work. The diner was some distance away, thankfully you learned the shortest routs on your way since you started. Everyday, you'd make it into work with just a minute to spare.

You huffed out a breath as you walked inside. There was no time to make chitchat with anyone, work starts as soon as you arrive. So you give a smile and a wave to the costumers and fellow employees before starting your shift. A typical work day for you would go as followed:

Take orders, rush plates of food and drinks to the costumers, clean up the tables and the floors, and make friendly conversation when you got the chance. And always greet costumers with a smile.

You enjoyed your job for the most part. Nice folk would come in and some would even tip you graciously. You were appreciative of any amount of money you'd get of course, but there were some people who just really make your day, by adding a bit more than needed.

"Morning! Is my favorite gal in yet?"

Ah, and there was one of those people right now.

You put down the rag you were using to clean a table and rush to the front entrance, greeting the man before you with a friendly smile. "Hiya, Al. When am I ever not in?"

"Hm, that's true. Silly me for asking."

Alastor Thurman. Quite the man he was, well known around these parts for his popular radio show that broadcasts every week. There wasn't anyone in town who didn't know who Alastor was.

"Hi Al!"

"Morning Alastor!"

"How have you been, Al?"

Especially the ladies...

"Morning ladies, I've been fine." He nods his head to a small group of women, siting at a near by table. It was no question as to just why every woman in town swooned over Alastor. He was quite the looker. He always dressed neatly, never a hair out of place or a speck of dust to be seen. He was tall, and while not muscular, he was fairly toned. Including his face, soft, but had that sharp jawline that drove women wild.

His smooth tawny skin was flawless. Even had a few beauty marks speckled here and there. One right below his left eye and one on the bottom of the right side of his jaw. His chocolate colored hair, perfectly curled. And when the sun hit it just right, it seemed to shine. He sports pearly whites, straight and even when he smiled. And his voice, what's not to like there? So full of life, it'd get anyone inspired. And at times, so smooth and soothing, to lull you right to sleep.

You'd be a liar, if you said you didn't find him attractive.

You'd be an even bigger lair, if you didn't have feelings for him as well...

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