Chapter Five

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Your heart rate began to pick up. Maybe you were just tired, and your mind was playing tricks on you. Yeah. Yeah that had to have been it. It's not like there was anyone other than you and Alastor in the house.

That would be ridiculous, to think that. And it's not like Alastor would have someone here and no tell you. Why would he feel the need to do that? He wouldn't. Simple.

If that were the case, then what did you see just now?

You take a few steps away from the door and narrow your eyes, trying to see in the dark.

There was that feeling of unease again. You took a deep breath, and exhale shakily. There was no one else here. There was no need to be worrying like this.

You should just go back upstairs and back to bed. Alastor would come back eventually. Even though it worried you, you had a feeling he'd be fine.

Suddenly the lights were turned on.

You gasped sharply and turned around, you were met with Alastor standing in the doorway.

"Y/n...What are you doing up this late?" He asked, slightly shocked. "I...I heard some noises outside. And you weren't here." You explained. "I got worried about you." Your attention was suddenly caught by the sight of blood on Alastor's shirt cuffs and hands.

"What happened?" You asked, pointing it out. Alastor was silent for a moment before answering. "I had to take care of some things in that shed. I have a place set up not too far into those woods, for hunting. Brought some things down there for the next time I go hunting, and ended up cutting my hand." Before you could speak, he continued. "I'm fine. You should go back upstairs Y/n, I'll take care of this alright?"

"Are you sure?" You ask. "I don't mind to help you."

"Y/n. It's late, really, you should be sleeping. I'll take care of it." Alastor said, and despite his calm smile, he seemed a bit tense. You sigh. "Ok...Goodnight."


Alastor watched as you made your way back up the stairs. Once he was sure you were gone, he sighed.

"Might as well turn in too."


The next day, Alastor offered to take you shopping. He insisted, saying now that you were a performer, you should look the part. You couldn't argue with that, and went along with him.

Mimzy had told you you'd be preforming soon, within the next week in fact. It so close by, and as the day came that you would finally preform in front of a real crowd, the more nervous you became. This wasn't like singing front of your parents. This wasn't like singing in front of Alastor and Mimzy.

You'd be singing for a live audience. And as exciting as that sounded, you couldn't help but overthink. What if you mess up somehow? Forget this lyrics, or stumble on stage, or just make a fool of yourself in front of all those people?

Alastor knew you were worried, he tried his best to reassure you and tell you you would do just fine. But his words could only do so much. 

As you were in the dressing room, you started to notice Alastor placing clothes over the door from the other side, that weren't all clothes that you came here for. Some were just casual dresses and a few nice evening ones thrown in too. You raise an eyebrow before rolling your eyes.

"Alastor." You say, in a light scolding manner. "Yes?" Alastor innocently responded. "We came here for just a few dresses for my nights preforming. Why did you pick out so many others?" You ask. 

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