Chapter Four

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It was a lovely night, the stars sparkled brightly above, the moon shining it's calm light, even the cool night air was a nice break from the usually warm day. A perfect night for a walk, and that's what you were doing. Walking to Alastor's home, to be more precise. And in your hands, was a dish you had prepared earlier tonight.

The walk to his home took a while on foot, so you made sure to be fast about leaving the house before the meal got cold. You'd hope covering the dish would keep it warm until you arrived. You had made it to his home safely, albeit a but out of breath, you then walked up to his door and knocked a few times.

There wasn't an answer for a minute or two, which worried you slightly. It wasn't too late at night, and you knew Alastor to be a bit of a night owl. Was he already asleep?

It was then you heard a noise coming from somewhere, almost sounding like a door shutting. You looked around for the source of the noise, when it hit you. "Oh that's right." You say under your breath. Alastor had a small shed behind his home, he used it mostly for hunting. He must have just gotten back from one.

You waited another moment, giving him some time to go inside the home, before knocking again. This time, you heard footsteps approaching the door. You smile when the door opened. "Hi, Al." You greet him. "Y/n, what brings you by?" He asks. You hold up the dish. "Made you something. As a thanks for helping me and for being so sweet to me all these years."

Alastor smiled softly and let you inside. "There is really no need to thank me, Y/n. I don't mind helping you out, and of course I'd never be anything but sweet to you. You mean quite a lot to me." Your chest fluttered at his words. He had no idea what he does to you, and if he does, he's cruel to continue doing it.

"You mean a lot to me too, Alastor." You say softly. "Now, let's hurry before this gets cold."

"You walked all the way here didn't you?" Alastor asks. "I did. I wanted to surprise you." You tell him as you walk into the dining room, sitting the meal on the table. "Otherwise, I would have called you over. Don't worry about me, Al. I got here, didn't I?" You chuckle.

Alastor walked to your side, and takes your hand with his own. "Yes, but in the future, just let me come to you. I'd hate for some ruffian to get their hands on you. I'd have to do something quite unsavory, if that happens."

"Always protecting me, Al." You say gently. "When do I get to protect you?" Alastor brings you in closer, placing his free hand on your waist. "You have, don't you remember?" You thought about it for a moment.

"Oh, that's right." You mutter.

Back when you and Alastor were around fifteen, when his father was still around, you had to step in when he and Alastor got into a heated argument. Alastor never did like his father, you didn't blame him, you hated the man too.

He was a terrible man, putting hands not only on Alastor when he was a kid, but his wife as well. And poor Alastor, he had to watch it all happen. Even as Alastor got older, he'd still have to witness his father's outbursts and his mother suffer his wrath. One day, he had enough of it, and decided to speak his mind to his father.

Of course, his father didn't take that well, and quickly became angry that Alastor would take that kind of tone with him. As the yelling from both men started to turn physical, was when you showed up.

You were on your way there to visit Alastor, that's when you saw his father grabbing Alastor by the shirt and raising his fist. You hurried inside and tried to pull his father off of him.

You knew that would most likely result in you getting hurt, but you didn't care. You would not let that brute hurt Alastor, if you could do something to prevent it.

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