Chapter Seven

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The silence, was worst than rejection. This was a mistake. Probably the biggest mistake you've ever made. Of course Alastor wouldn't feel the same. You two had been friends for a long time. If he really felt the same way towards you, he would have done something by now. Wouldn't he? Then again, Alastor had never shown much interest in relationships of the romantic type. You've not once heard him talk of a special lady in his life. And he most certainly could have any of them. So maybe it just wasn't meant to be...

"I-I'm sorry! I don't know why I asked that!" You say with a light laugh. "I mean, I know you like me. We're friends after all. That was a silly question, I'm sorry..." You try to blink back the tears forming in your eyes as you continued. "Um, I think I'll be alright by myself for now. You can leave, I'll be fine." You motion your hand to the door and turn away from him. "I really should get to tidying up the place. It's a mess, like I said. And anyhow, I should be focusing on what I'm going to sing for my next performance. Can't be distracted, so if you'll please-"

Alastor caught your hand and spun you back to face him. "Y/n." He said firmly. You go quiet and avoid his eyes. Great. Not only had you confessed and gotten rejected, if that wasn't embarrassing enough, you just made a fool of yourself by rambling on like an idiot. There were no hiding the tears now. You inwardly sigh and await for the worst.

"It seems you've misunderstood me." Said Alastor. Yes. You know that. You are more than painfully aware. Why did he have to rub it in? "And it seems I've been less than gentlemanly. What kind of man treats a woman on like I have been?" Wait, what? You glance at him, a bit confused. Alastor sighs. "Y/n, I'm sure you know how I feel about these kinds of things. Romance and all that. So, I'm sure you also understand how this might feel for me, indulging in such things."

Now you were really confused. You face him properly. "What are you saying?" You ask. "I do like you, Y/n, to put it simply." Alastor says, making your heart stop for a moment. "It's just a shame I couldn't, and still cant, tell or show you properly."


"Why must it be me?" Alastor asks. "Has there be no one else that's caught your eye?" Your expression soften. "No." You says simply. "It's always been you. I'm not sure if anyone could compare, to someone like you."

"Someone like me..." Alastor repeats under his breath. He shook his head with a light chuckle. "Y/n, I don't think you understand just what you're asking for. 'Someone like me'...I can be...a bit much. You know that."

"Yes." You nod. "And I'm fine with that. There are so many great things about you Alastor. I'd be talking all day long just listing it all off. It's just...I don't want to ruin this. Us. You've been more than an amazing friend to me all these years. I don't want my emotions getting in the way of that."

"We have been friends for a while, yes." Alastor smiles softly. "Nothing will ever change my view of you, my care for you Y/n. Nothing. And as I've already said, I do like you."

"Do you?" You ask sadly. "Maybe I'm just mistaking your care for love. Maybe you are too." You try to move your hand away from his. It was too good to be true. And yet, Alastor didn't budge. "That is entirely my fault." He says. "It was a constant back and forth with myself. A part of me wanted to give in, and the other, wanted to keep you at an arms length..."

"So...Which is it?" You ask. The uncertainty was worse than flat out rejection. Suddenly, you felt Alastor pull you close. "I'd love nothing more, than to give in." He says softly. The two of you were but inches from each other. "Then why don't you?" You ask. Alastor's eyes glanced down at your lips for a split second, before trailing back to your eyes. Maybe it was build up from years of longing for Alastor that made you so bold. You leaned up to kiss him gently. It was short and sweet, only lasting for a few seconds, before you pulling back to figure out his reaction.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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