Chapter Six

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Warning: Sexual Harassment, Attempted Sexual Assault, Nonconsensual Touching

You make your way backstage, still smiling brightly and feeling high off praise from the audience. Mimzy was awaiting you, the same smile on her face. "You we're amazing out there, doll! I can already tell, you are going to draw in lots of folks after tonight!" She tells you. "You think so? I was so nervous at first! But when I heard them clapping, I felt so...Oh, I shouldn't get a big head about this. It was only my first performance." You say with a light laugh.

"Get a big head all ya want, doll!" Mimzy lightly elbows you. "You're phenomenal! And I know a certain someone will agree with me." You give her a confused look. "Who?" You ask. "Who else? Al, of course! He's the one who begged me to give you a chance. Now I see why. Sure, you're cute, me and him don't doubt that. But your voice is what really sells it."

Cute? Alastor thinks you're...No. No way. Mimzy's just teasing. You decide to brush it off. "Well, I'm glad he did beg you. I've never felt more proud!"

"And I've never been more proud!" Came Alastor's voice from behind Mimzy. You both look over towards him as he approaches. "Dear, you were stunning! You really gave it your all!" Alastor tells you. You couldn't help but smile at his words, despite the dull ache in your chest. "Thank you, Alastor. My heart's still pounding."

"I imagine so." Alastor chuckles. "So Mimzy, what do you think?" He asks the shorter woman. "Oh, I think I want her sticking around. Doll, I want you here tomorrow night."

"Tomorrow night? So soon?" You nearly exclaim. "Of course! You're gonna be a star, you need to give the people what they want!" Mimzy smirks. "So, what do ya say?" You glance at Alastor, who seemed to leave the choice up to you. Though, you didn't miss the small encouraging nod from him.

To think, you'd get this feeling again if you said yes. You'd sing, they'd cheer, and repeat. Why wouldn't you say yes? And so...

"Yes, absolutely!"


That evening, you decided to go to your soon to be old place of work, to tell your boss that you'd be quitting. Of course, Alastor insisted he come along, and not wanting to argue, you let him. You didn't mind. You were a little s to scared do this anyway. If your boss acted the way he did when you told him you couldn't come in, how would he react to you quitting?

You'd soon find out, as you stop in front of the diner. You look to Alastor and excused yourself as you walked inside. You found your boss and approached him after taking a deep breath.

"Excuse me sir?"

"Y/n, where the hell have you been?" Your boss asks with a huff. "You had better have a good excuse to why you haven't shown up." You tried to keep a calm expression as you spoke. "Yes, I do. I found a new job, and I'd like to give you my two week's notice." The look on your boss' face was unreadable. Then he spoke.

"Come with me, we can discuss this in private." He says, turning and walking towards the back of the diner. You hesitate. His tone didn't sound bothered, but you could feel something wasn't right.


You flinch before hurrying to catch up with him. You followed him out the back exit, he shut the door when you walked out. He then took out a cigar from his pocket and lit it before taking a few puffs. "You want to quit? Why?"

"Well, like I said, I found a new job. And, I can't afford to miss any days so I-"

"What kind of job is it?" Your boss cut you off. You answer. "I sing down at Mimzy's lounge now." Your boss let out a short laugh, taking the cigar between his finger and thumb. "You're some sort of performer now? Is that it?"

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