Chapter 9

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Dan's pov

On Monday morning I woke to Phil's alarm. We went downstairs and ate breakfast. We threw on clothes and left.

When we got to the school we went to our lockers and put our stuff away.

"Guys!" Laura says to us. "He's coming."

Jeremy burst through the doors of the school and walks straight to Phil. I run to him. I stand in front of him.
"Oh, does Phil have a boyfriend who comes to the rescue?"
"Yes actually, he does. Do you have a problem with that?"
"Dan, stop."
"Yea I do have a problem with it."

He reaches out to punch me but I grab his hand and twist it.
"Do me a favor? Leave Phil alone."

I grab Phil's hand and we walk to physics.

~~the next day~~
Phil's pov

While we were at lunch Jeremy stood up on the table.
"I have an announcement to make. I am Gay. Phil, the reason I bullied you was because I didn't know how to accept myself. I'm sorry for all the years of pain I have put you through. Hopefully, we can be friends."
"Alright alright. Jeremy I'm gonna need you to get down from the table." The principal said from the side of the cafeteria.

Dan looks at me and we both just start laughing. His laugh is beautiful. But also very obnoxious. We go through the day as happy as we could be. Once the final bell rings we leave the school and continue our way home.
"Dad! We're home!"
No reply. I repeat myself several times but I don't get an answer. I take my phone out of my pocket and ring him.

"Dad? Where are you?"
"I'm in the car. I just got out of an interview."
"Oh. Well we are home. How long do you suppose it will be before you get back?"
"About 1 hour. There is money on the counter for you boys to order pizza."

I called into the pizza place and ordered two pizzas while Dan went to rent a movie. When the pizza arrived we curled up on the couch and watched the movie.

When my Dad got home he ate a couple slices and headed to his room to do work on his laptop. We finished the movie and decided to call it a night. We went to our room and got into our nightclothes. Which for Dan was a pair of pj pants. I wasn't complaining.

Just when I was about to fall asleep I got a text.

Author's Note

Woah, cliff hanger.

Comment who you think the text is from. :)))

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