y/n's Diary, my new neighbor

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Dear Diary,
I can't wait for this new life. I'm finally moving away from New York City to Los Angeles. New York seems like a great place after watching Gossip Girl but, it actually really sucks when everyone hates you and bullies you at school. My mom would tell me everyday "it's because they are jealous of you" but I'm not so sure anymore. I'm just so happy to finally have the opportunity to have a fresh start. My mom just won the lottery which got us 1 billion dollars! Apparently some old rich guy was feeling generous and put some of his money on a lottery card and we won! I'm sitting on the plane right now writing in this old diary my mom got for free from her work.

So I guess I'll tell you a little more about me. I grew up in Pennsylvania. I truly loved it there. I was born in Philadelphia and went to school there until I was 8. Every single year we would go camping, until, you know what I'll get to that later. Everyday in Pennsylvania was the best. I would go biking with all my friends and have sleepovers every weekend until the move. I remember the exact day my mom told me we had to move to New York City. I don't think I've ever cried harder. Before we moved, my mom would always have to go back and forth between NYC and Pennsylvania because she works in the fashion industry. She has to go to all these fancy red carpet events and runway shows all over the place but mostly in NYC. My mom is a single mom so it would always be so difficult to find someone to take care of me for long periods of time so we eventually moved to make life easier. So, once we won the lottery we decided together LA was the best place to go. We had been thinking about moving to LA but never had enough money to move into our dream house.

Ever since I was younger me and my mom would look at houses on zillow just imagining what our life would be like if we lived there and now look at us

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Ever since I was younger me and my mom would look at houses on zillow just imagining what our life would be like if we lived there and now look at us. I'm so proud of my mom for never making me feel bad just because we didn't have as much. I'm not saying we were poor but just compared to the kids at my school we weren't rich. I honestly don't think my life will change too much because my mom has taught me to be grateful for what I have. My mom was a teen mom so we've always been really close which is great. Anyways the plane is landing really soon so wish me luck with my new life!
- y/n

Y/n's pov
I close the diary sitting on my lap and look out the plane window. I can see the ground outside. I've always loved the window seat. I'm such an impatient person I literally can't wait to see my new house. I have a feeling I'm gonna procrastinate unpacking for a while but whatever. After mom and I got off the plane we went to Dunkin and I got my usual. We got the Uber and headed straight for our new house, now I'm excited. We pulled up in front of the house and it was even more beautiful in person. Mom paid the driver and we walked through the front door. It was already pretty late so we just went to sleep and decided to save the unpacking for tomorrow.

The next day
I woke up and got ready for the day even though we didn't have much planned. The house was full of boxes since we shipped most of our things from NYC to LA. While mom was busy unpacking the kitchen stuff I was watching TikTok on the couch. I had just seen the BEST Walker Scobell edit of my life.
I had to add it to the collection.
I was looking for inspiration for my new room on Pinterest when the doorbell rang. I wonder who that could be.

My mom walked over to the front door and opened it. I heard another woman's voice who was probably around the same age as my mom. I walked over to the front door and saw a woman with blond hair holding a tray of cookies. Must be the neighbor. She seems nice. Right as I was about to grab a cookie I see a boy standing almost behind her. Wait. Is that Walker Scobell? Fuck.

Walker's pov
My mom woke me up at like 8 am just to greet the woman who moved in next door. I swear to god she's always looking for more friends. She was running around the house like crazy trying to make the perfect cookies but she is a great baker so I don't know why she's so worried. My mom told me to dress nice but I'm just wearing an old hoodie and some shorts. It's not like it's gonna matter what I wear. Right? Once we reached the doorstep of the house my mom rang the doorbell. A woman about the same age as my mom opened the door. Just what I expected. When suddenly a really pretty girl walked into the doorway. Like really pretty. She looked about 15, the same age as me. Why am I kinda excited? Well I mean I'm literally the only kid in this entire neighborhood. The next youngest person is like 35. So maybe I'll have someone to hang out with.

Y/n's pov
My mom invited them to come in while I was internally freaking out. I mean, THE Walker Scobell was apparently my new neighbor. Oh, I'm liking this little life. While my mom and his mom talked I made eye contact with him and he DEFINITELY saw me blushing. I formulated a plan. He definitely doesn't want some weird stalker girl living next door to him and probably hasn't had any real friends since becoming famous, SOOOO what if I pretend like I have no idea who he is? It's perfect.

~Authors note~ Okay guys this is me and @trishlikesfish96's first ever story so please give us feedback! Also we have most of the plot planned out already so TRUST ur in for a treat😜 let us cook AND READ THE WHOLE STORY😘

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