race you to the slides

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y/n's pov
"We're here!" Walker exclaimed.

"Looks nice" I said.

To sum it up, we basically walked in and the waitress sat us at a booth. I sat across from Walker and we ordered, ate, ordered dessert, ate. It was almost awkward.

That scared me.

I couldn't become friends with Walker Scobell and lose him just as quickly.

SO after HE paid for our meal (😜) the idea hit me.

"We should go to the park! I mean there's one around here right?"

"Oh yeah sure. There's one like 5 minutes away from here, you wanna go?"

"Yesss please I love parks"

"Would you go a lot with your friends in New York?"

"Um not really there weren't too many parks in New York."

"Oh that's sad I used to go to the park like everyday when I was younger."

The drive to the park was pretty short. I mean it felt exactly how long it was. 5 minutes. I mean it was quick enough for that short conversation.

The drive was honestly really nice. It was hot outside but not hot enough where you would break out a sweat and there was still a refreshing breeze.

When we finally arrived at the park I realized he thought I was talking about like a playground park when in reality I was just talking about a patch of grass type of park.

See my plan WAS we would walk along the park and talk you know, really get to know each other.

My plan was ruined. Or was it...

I was in the middle of a long train of thought about how I could turn this empty playground into an opportunity to turn this day around when I was interrupted.

"RACE YOU TO THE SLIDES" I heard Walker exclaim

I looked up and saw Walker running in front of me towards the slides.

I'm one of the most competitive people in this universe so no way in hell was I gonna let Peter Johnson beat me to those slides.

We both raced for our lives and I made it first thanks to my skills.

"Where did you learn to run that fast?" Walker said trying to catch his breath.

"Um I mean I'm a gymnast. I have been my whole life."

"Oh really what level are you then?" Walker said looking not fully convinced.

"I'm level 8. If you don't believe me I can show you something on those monkey bars."

"You read my mind"

These monkey bars weren't the monkey bars where there was one after another and about 10 of them in a row. This was the type of monkey bar where there was one single bar that was about 10 or 11 feet up in the air. There was one bar that was 6 feet tall, one that was around 8 feet tall, and one that was 10 or 11 feet tall.
I didn't have my grips so I couldn't do anything that impressive. I needed to get up to the highest bar just to be careful so I wouldn't mess up. The highest bar was really tall and I'm only y/h. Obviously, I can't reach that high soooo

"So you gonna go on the bar?" Walker asked

"Well, it's kinda high if you couldn't tell," I said in a sarcastic tone.

"Do you need help? I can pick you up if you need some help."

"Um sure," I said trying to hide my face as it turned red.


We walked up to the tallest bar and I turned around. I don't know what I expected but right when he was about to pick me up he put his hands around my waist. My stomach instantly became filled with butterflies.

"You ready?" Walker said in a gentle tone.


"Kk 1..2..3" He said as I jumped after he said 3 and then reached for the bar.

I started to hang on the bar as he turned to the other side, facing me. He moved to the side as I did a pull-up to get to the top of the bar.

I did a layout after doing a couple of glide swings. I was praying that I would stick it and I did! Omg I'm overjoyed.

Am I making this up or did he look impressed?

time skip
After we went down the slide a couple more times and we pushed eachother on the swings we were about to leave when he asked me...

"Do you want to come back to my house after this?"

Oh okay I see how it is. He loves me and wants to spend the rest of his life with me and eventually have grandchildren. No like I knew it all along...

"Yeah sure why not? My mom is gonna be home at around 11:25 tonight she just texted me"

"Okay perfect maybe we can watch a movie or something" Walker suggested.

I'm actually cackling inside of my brain.

"That sounds fun! It's already 5. Do you want to start driving back?" I responded.

"Yeah sure"

We started to drive back to our neighborhood and on the way we heard a familiar tune

*ice cream truck music*

"Oh my god y/n do you hear that!?"


We got out of the golf cart and chased after the ice cream truck until the driver finally saw us. He slowed down and asked us what we want

"What are you getting?" Walker asked me

"Oh I'm getting the super 'twister' " I replied when I realized Walker had joined in the second part of my response.

"Wait, you get the super twister too?" I asked shocked

"Yeah but I thought no one else got it, I'm like the only one!"

"Guess not"

Oh my lord. Me and Walker actually have something in common!! Not like that we both live in America like we both LIKE THE SAME ICE CREAM FLAVOR okay that's kind of delulu of me...

After that fun and exhausting day, we finally ended up on the sidewalk in front of our houses, eating our popsicles from the ice cream truck.

I looked over at Walker. At his beautiful blue eyes when I saw he was already looking into mine. I looked away quickly and my popsicle melted off the stick and fell to the cement of the street.

"NOOOOO" I screamed.


We burst into laughter.

With the LA heat and the already hot road, the popsicle didn't stand a chance.

"Damn it. I really wanted that popsicle" I said grumpily

"You can have mine"

"Really are you sure?" I asked

"Yeah of course I can always get a different one another day."

"Awh thanks so much"

He handed his popsicle to me and in a couple of minutes I finished it as we watched the sunset on his porch on his swinging chair. So close to each other our legs were touching and our hands were inches away from each other.

~Author's Note~
Hey guys sorry for not posting for so long we were both having so many wifi issues and our computers would not stop glitching. This is sorta a filler chapter but we still wanted things to happen so yeah. But the next chapter is OMG just be ready.

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