red dress

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~Authors note~ guys... we are really sorry. It's been so long since we came out with a new chapter! We've been so busy with school and our extracurriculars. But we are coming back better than ever! So get ready. ALSO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 700 VIEWS LIKE R U KIDDING!?

Walkers pov
I was in my room playing Fortnite with Brady and Xochitl, TOTALLY winning when my mom called up to me from downstairs.

"Walker, honey. Start getting ready for the party tonight!"

See, at least once or twice a month people in my neighborhood would throw parties.

These parties are kind of a big thing in my neighborhood. Like everybody comes, well at least everybody in the neighborhood (which btw is about 100 houses.)

There was this like rotation, a kind of order of houses we had the parties at.
For example tonight's party is at Mrs. Stinson's house, a nice old lady. I've played basketball with her grandsons a couple of times. But we know the next party will be at Ms. Brodbeck's house and the one after that at mine and so on.

The only problem?! EVERYONE IN THIS NEIGHBORHOOD IS LIKE ABOVE 35!! Like not a single other kid my age unless grandkids are briefly visiting.

That was until y/n came.

I normally dread these parties because I would end up just sitting in some corner, drinking a shirley temple, and probably end up talking to some 50 year old about my acting career.

But this time, it felt different. I mean Who else is y/n gonna hang out with besides me?!
That's right, no one.

I looked out my room window and saw, wait, y/n?

Oh. my. god.

Our room windows actually faced each other in a way where I could see perfectly into her room and she could probably see perfectly into mine, although I had curtains, she didn't ... what in the Wattpad is this?!

She was laying on her bed on her phone wrapped in a towel and she had a hair towel in too.
She must have just got out of the shower.

Do you realize HOW CREEPY this is?! She's probably just getting ready for the party.

Oh shoot. I should probably start getting ready too.
I don't know why but I had the sudden urge to look nicer for this event... wonder why

I just put on a black button up with matching pants and a darkish but still noticeable red. I fixed my hair using the new curl stuff my mom bought me.
I looked good 😜😜

 I looked good 😜😜

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Short time skip

My mom called up to me again telling me to "get my butt downstairs".

We were picking up y/n and her mom so we got in the car and just pulled up in front of their house and I knocked on the door.
Mrs. y/l/n opened the door but I didn't see y/n anywhere.

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