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A/N this is gonna be quick but I just wanna say we're rlly sorry for not updating for a while but to make it up this chapter is over 2900 words! Also let us know if we should make an apology video...😔

Dear Diary,
Yesterday was honestly one of the best days of my life. First of all Walker looked SO fine. Second, I feel like I'm really started to get to know him. He's so kind so caring and just so perfect. We talked about my old life in NYC, our biggest fears, our hobbies, and just random things. It felt so normal to talk to him. To be with him. As normal as breathing. I feel like i'm starting to become less of a fan to him and more of an actual friend!

My dress yesterday was STUNNING I'm so happy my mom let me borrow it. And those gorgeous black-red bottoms. I just felt so pretty last night. I feel like I'm starting to like it here. Hopefully at school I can make more friends or at like parties or something.

My mom also left today to go back to NYC for a whole WEEK like what! I mean maybe I can hangout with Walker most days. Anyways that's it for now! Bye!

I closed my diary and looked around my room.
Remember when I said I was going to be a clean girl? Well that didn't happen. At all.

I decided to clean my room just to pass the time. I mean it was summer and my mom was in New York, you'd think so would be partying but I BARELY HAVE ONE FRIEND HERE.

Anyway, I started by picking up the clothes on my floor and putting the dirty ones in the washer and the clean clothes in my closet. I still can't really get over the fact that I have a walk in closet! I'm trying to keep it nice and clean but we'll see how that goes...

Then I reorganized my vanity and bathroom and it was only 11:00 in the morning.
So I just decided to clean my entire house to help my mom out. I put away almost every single box. My mom better be fucking grateful.

After cleaning every room in the house it was like 9:00.

I made popcorn and settled into my newly clean room. I turned on my TV and started watching one of my favorite movies, THE HUNGER GAMES.

I was at the part where Katniss grabs the backpack in the arena when it started raining, no big deal. I love the rain, it's peaceful. It relaxes me.

The rain lasted about 20ish minutes when I heard a big *BOOM*

oh no.

Was this a thunderstorm? Oh shit nonono.

FLASHBACK 9 years ago...

I was packing my overnight bag for my annual camping trip with my mom. I loved these SOOO much! Me and my mom would go every year to our favorite camping spot in the woods. My mom said it was like a bonding thing since her job was kind of demanding.

I just got this new princess overnight bag with Rapunzel on it (my favorite princess) and I was super excited to use it for the first time!!

When my mom and I finally arrived at our camping spot after a long drive I was practically screaming because of how excited I was.

We set up our tent like every other year.
We walked by the river like every other year.
Walked along our trail like every other year.
I watched the sunset in her arms like every other year.
Except this wasn't like every other year. Not at all.

After the sun was set and it was dark my mom and I walked back on the trail we came from.

I think she was talking about some chicken noodle soup she had packed for dinner and how we should get back to the tent for some reason but I wasn't paying any attention.

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