tea time ☕️

260 7 17

y/n's pov
I still can't believe that Walker Scobell is in my house. Well, it doesn't really feel exactly like my house yet since we just moved. It kinda feels like when you go to a friend's house for the first or second time and still don't know your way around the place yet. Also, this place is so much bigger than my old apartment. Anyways back to my husband I mean Walker.

"Y/N" my mom called out.

I guess I had been so stuck in my own world just stressing about Walker I hadn't realized my mom had been calling my name. Oops that's really embarrassing.

"Um yeah. What do you need mom?" I replied

"Me and Walker's mom are going to sit down on the kitchen island and drink some tea and talk. Have a little tea time. Do you wanna show Walker around the place? Maybe show him your room?" My mom said.

God. I can feel my cheeks starting to get red when I turn to look at Walker after my mom says that and OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS. Am I making this up or was he already looking at me and then looked away when I looked? Am I going crazy? Have all of the nerds gummy clusters and Red 40 caught up to me? I don't even know and honestly don't care I'm just gonna believe he did.

"So where does the tour begin?" Walker said playfully.

Damn he really is funny in real life not just in all his interviews.

"Just warning you we moved in yesterday so I don't really know the place too well. But I guess we can start over here." I said

Time skip

"So that's the end of the tour. Oh wait lemme show you my room. It's actually a really big mess if you don't mind. I haven't unpacked yet."

"Ur good don't worry my room is a mess too." Walker replied

I opened the door to my room just to see what I expected. Almost 25 boxes just full of stuff. Honestly a lot of the stuff was just furniture like my mattress, bed frame, vanity, and bookshelf. I love to read. That's where I found my love for the Percy Jackson series.

"Hey y/n, I can help you unpack. I think our moms are gonna take a while," Walker said while scratching the back of his neck.

"Omg yeah thanks so much I really haven't been wanting to do this but doing it with someone will be so helpful," I said in response.

"Of course anytime. By any chance would you have a speaker? It would be funner if we had some music to listen to. Do you like Frank Ocean?" Walker said.

"Yeah I have one right over there you just hold the red button down and then it should pop up on your Bluetooth thing as y/n's speaker. Also yeah, I love Frank Ocean," I said.

"Kk lemme connect it and then we can start unpacking."

Time skip (We are #lazy jkjk)

y/n's pov (still😜)
We actually were getting stuff unpacked really quickly. First we unpacked all my hangers for my closet because I actually got a walk-in closet. So cool right! Next we unpacked my clothes but it was so embarrassing because he almost went to the box with my underwear and bras. Would've been so awkward... Well we were almost done with unpacking. All we had to unpack were my books, makeup, and had to build a desk, vanity, bookshelf, and bedframe which I told him I could just do with my mom.

I was looking through one of the boxes with my books in them. You see I had two boxes because I have a little bit of an addiction to buying books. I went through the whole box and organized it all when Walker was unpacking some other random box.

Where are my Percy Jackson books?

Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. That means they were in my other book box. AND WAS THAT WALKER OPENING IT. No no no no. My plan will fail and then I'll just look like an idiot. And then I remembered something that made it even worse. MY PERCY JACKSON BOOKS WERE AT THE TOP OF THE BOX. Well, pray for me because that ship has sailed of me ever becoming Walker's friend.

"y/n... What is this? Are you a fan of the Percy Jackson series?" Walker looked at me with one eyebrow raised. I could just tell he knew something was up.

"Oh yeah, I love the series I started reading it when I was in maybe I don't know in 3rd grade. Why?" Just act dumb y/n, act dumb.

"Well did you hear about the TV series that came out last year? I heard they filmed the second season already. Have you by any chance watched it?" Walker said starting to get suspicious.

Oh fuck I am not liking this little life.

"Oh yeah, I heard about that. People at my old school would talk about whatever happened in the latest episode every math class. I just hated the movies so much honestly they were terrible. I just don't want to ruin the books even more. I want to leave it up to my imagination. You know what I mean." I said. Wow I thought of that quick. I'm actually pretty proud of myself for creating that lie so fast.

"Well I heard it's really good and it's better than the movies so whoever said that it's bad is simply lying. It's on Disney+ you sure you never watched it." replied Walker in a sassy tone. Persassy is really coming out.

"I don't have Disney+ so I can't watch it anyway," ooo girl I'm cooking up some lies right now.

"Walker, hunny! We're leaving now!" Walker's mom yelled from the bottom floor.

Fuck yess. Walker's mom coming to save the day for real.

"Oh well by y/n!" Walker said happily.


Walker left my room and I turned around to go on my phone right when I heard footsteps coming back to my room.

"Yeah mom?" I said thinking my mom was at the door.

"Oh not your mom it's me, Walker."


"Oh my bad, did you forget something?" I said.

"Yeah I did. I forgot to ask for your number."

"Oh it's XXX-XXX-XXXX," I said trying to hide my face cause obviously I was blushing.

"Okay thanks now we can keep in contact and hangout more. Well bye for real now!" Walker said.


Oh my god. Walker Scobell just asked for my number.

~Authors note~ hey guys!! this is author #2😍 did yall like this chapter i have a slight feeling i cooked... 🧑‍🍳 (btw if u thought this chapter was good JUST YOU WAIT)

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