just ignore it

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Dear Diary,
It's my second day living in LA and let's just say I've been loving it. I think I'm finally getting the hang of where everything is in my new house. My mom is dropping me off at Target at 2:00 but it's 1:45 right now. I've been scrolling on Pinterest and I think I found the things I want to buy.

*this is what the base of the room is supposed to look like so envision this but with whatever style you prefer*

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*this is what the base of the room is supposed to look like so envision this but with whatever style you prefer*

Earlier today I built my bookshelf so I could organize my room a little more. Since I moved to LA I've felt like I have to be like a clean girl and be aesthetic. I guess you could say earlier today I was in my Bob the Builder aesthetic.
Oh and yesterday I met Walker Scobell! Well I did more than meet him I got his number! I really hope that we can become friends but I have to stick to the plan... Anyway, I gtg to target now.

"Y/N!" I heard my mom yell.

"COMING" I yelled back.

I closed my diary and grabbed my bag to go to target. I ran down the stairs and almost tripped on the last step. Jeez, I really gotta get used to this place.
I hopped in the front seat of my mom's new car. Which was a Mercades-Benz thanks to winning the lottery. The whole car ride I was jamming out to Lana Del Rey. When we finally arrived at target, my mom dropped me off. I walked in the doors and grabbed a BIG cart. I was planning on SPENDING. I started making my way through the isles, picking up things I liked along the way. I was about to grab a cute mirror I saw, it was long and would look nice on my closet door. I was checking myself out casually in the mirror when I started backing up, still looking at myself. I bumped into something tall. I looked behind me in the reflection of the mirror and saw none other than my new neighbor. Walker Scobell. Shit.

Walkers pov
I woke up this morning with a headache. It wasn't that bad but it didn't help that I was about to meet up with some school friends. I ate breakfast. My mom got this new smoothie recipe from y/n's mom and she said shes gonna start giving it to me for breakfast. Shes all like "This will help with your gut health and immune system. Y/n's mom said so and she said she got it from a model and that model got it from her nutriounest so it has to be good." I honestly think its BS but whatever she says I guess. After that I brushed my teeth, fixed my curls then I put on an oversized t-shirt and some baggy jeans. Oops almost forgot deodorant...can't forget that!

*this is his fit*

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*this is his fit*

I grabbed my skateboard from the garage and started heading over to my friend's house. His name is Dylan and he's been one of my bestfriends since I moved to LA. Once I got there I saw the rest of my friend group all sitting on the couch playing videogames.
"Yo Walker you good you look like your dying or something." Sam said.
"Wow thanks so much that's so kind. And yes I'm currently dying from a headache. Dyl you got any advil." I replied.
"Nah I don't think so. Oh hold up theres a target close to my house we can grab some and look around, maybe grab snacks?"
"I'm down" Sam and I said as the rest of the group agreed with us too.

Once we got there we started walking around the sections, talking. We decided to split up because my fatty friends wanted their food. Me, Dyl, and Sam went to go grab my advil and Chris, Jason, and Finn went to be fatass' and look for food. I found my advil and then we went to the toy section. Apparently there is now a Percy Jackson Lego so now my friends want to tease me. This is gonna be so fun! We turn the corner about to get to the Lego area when Chris texts in the group chat.

Anita Max Winn (chat name)

Ain't no way bro come to isle 7A right now. Theres this fine ass girl.
Walker (me)

Why couldn't I get y/n out of my head after Chris texted that. Walker just ignore it, you just met her.

I honestly didn't really care about seeing the girl I just needed to not look like a fool. After we all saw the text we headed over to isle 7A. We met up with the rest of us and Chris said she was in the next isle over so we all peeked our head over. The isle looked normal, had some room decorations and stuff but then I looked to the side and I saw y/n looking at herself in a mirror. What the fuck.

She was wearing a pretty tank top and jean shorts.

She looked cute.

I saw two of my friends in the group... checking her out? Nah, I had to say something.

"Guys that's my new neighbor" I casually mentioned trying to take their attention off her.

"Oh really?"


"She's hot dude"

I was starting to get annoyed so I walked up to her from behind. She started backing up and bumped into me. Why am i so nervous? Just ignore it Walker, just ignore it.

She looked kinda surprised to see me. So I backed up a little and we started having a small conversation.

"Omg Walker what are you doing here?" y/n said excitedly.

"Oh I'm here with some friends but they went somewhere else... So uhh what are you doing here?"

"I'm just looking for some new room decor. I mean after you helped me unpack and stuff I noticed I was missing some things like a mirror. Gotta check the fits." she said sarcastically.

"Always." I replied
in a sarcastic tone.

She tried to lift one of the packaged mirrors into her cart but it looked like she was struggling.

"Need help?"

"Thanks it's really heavy just warning you." y/n responded.


I lifted it up into her cart. And she wasn't lying it was pretty heavy. I mean heavy enough for my muscles to flex. Did I... did I just see her looking at my arms flexing. I mean my muscles looked pretty good if I do say so myself. No Walker you're imagine things. Just ignore it.

I could tell some of my friends were jealous, but they looked all too smug. It was nice to see y/n but I didn't want to be rude to my friends. I gave her a friendly hug and I swear her knees stopped working for a hot sec and I let go and waved goodbye.
When I got back to my friends some of them were making jokes and saying:

"Look who's finally talking to a girl."

But I didn't care. She was my neighbor that's all.

~Authors note~ Guys trust in us. We are trying to post as often as possible and we haven't even got to the good part of the book yet😜😜 And remember please give us feedback so we can make this story as fun to read for yall as it is for us.

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