Chapter 6 - Hall of Fame

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"No new members." Finn sighed, staring at us as we sat in the choir room.

"No, because we apparentely suck." Kitty smirked, rolling her eyes. 

"Oh, well." Jake shrugged. "We suck to them, but we're awesome to ourselves." 

I laughed and rested my head on Ryder's shoulder, playing with his fingers. 

"We've got the band dudes." Travis said, pointing over to the band members who were talking quietly to each other in the corner, holding their instruments.

"That will have to do." Finn murmured, sitting down on a stool towards the side of the room and paying attention to Mr. Schue out the front of the room.

"So, senior year for most of you." Mr. Schue smiled, leaning on the piano.

I mumbuled some nonsense under my breath and and dug my chin into Ryder's shoulder. "Damn." Kitty sighed. "I don't want to leave. It's too soon!"

 "We still have the rest of this year, I guess." Jake shrugged.

"We have to make this the best senior year ever." Ryder laughed, fist pumping the air lazily.

"Yeah, we will, guys." Jake smiled and leaned forward, ruffling my hair.

"Wait," I said, sitting up straighter and gazing over at Kitty, "Kitty, aren't you meant to be a junior this year?"

"Yes, but there is something geniuses do and it's called moving up a year." Kitty smirked, poking her tongue out and rolling her shoulders. 

I leaned back into Ryder and nuzzled my head against his neck. "I am going to make sure that this will be a great year." I smirked, gripping Ryder's hand tighter in mine and giving his neck a soft kiss.

And I knew this would be a great year for me, as long as I had Ryder by my side the entire time. 


Finn had picked out a song for us to sing for the end of the week, and we all knew the words, so instead of rehearsing for our end of week performance we just goofed off.

He had given us the song the day before and told us to find outfits that were black and white, which I found quite easy since most of my closet is black and white and I finally got the chance to wear an adorable black skirt I had found for five dollars.

Ryder and I were the first in the auditorium, so we sat down on the edge of the stage, cudding each other. "I love being alone with you." He whispered, kissing my forehead lightly.

"I love it, too." I smiled, rubbing his chest lightly with the tips of my fingers only lightly.

"I've missed... this, you know? That whole time I was away, I was missing so much and I was just missing you." Ryder murmured, gazing out into the seats of the auditorium.

"Not only did you miss awesome, romantic moments," Jake began, walking down the steps, his hand joined with Angie's, "you also missed the moments where Marley was bawling her eyes out and looking like she was dead on the inside." Jake and Angie laughed at me.

"There wasn't that many of them." I whispered, shaking my head.

"Totally." Angie whispered, settling down next to me and grabbing my hand. "Because fifty breakdowns a day is barely any." 

I pulled my hand from hers and shoved her arm, and she stuck her tongue out at me like a child. "Really? You cried that much?" Ryder laughed.

"She's under-exaggerating. I cried more than a hundered times, I'm sure." I joked, staring at Ryder with my head tilted on an angle.

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