Chapter 20 - You Can't Stop The Beat

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Ryder and I were hanging out together, as we had done every weekend since Ryder came back. His brother kept on telling us we were too close and we didn't spend enough time away from each other, but we kind of blocked him out after the first couple of times he had said something insulting to the two of us.

We both eventually migrated to the living room, where we were seated now, cuddling each other while the TV blared some nonsense show about two crime fighters... I remembered Angie liking this one, I just didn't remember what it was called. It was a good show though, and Ryder seemed to be enjoying it.

"Are you nervous about the cast list?" I asked him quietly.

"Not really." He shrugged.

"You don't have to be, becase I know you'll be getting that part." I told him, stroking his face lightly. 

"Okay." Ryder smiled, making my heart race. His smile just made me feel so happy.

"You're going to get Link Larkin... and you'll be a sexy Link Larkin." I whispered, winking at him.

"Even sexier than Zac Efron?" Ryder raised his eyebrows in that adorable way he does and I nodded frantically.

"Even more than Zac Efron and all of the other Links there ever were." 


As soon as I walked into school on the Monday, I was swooped down the hall by an overexcited Ryder, who refused to tell me anything and just said, "I need to show you something." 

So I followed him down the busy hallway to the notice board, where the entire Glee club was gathered. "Cast list?" I asked with a smile. Ryder nodded and grabbed my hand tightly in his.

"I didn't want to look without you." 

He pushed through the small crowd with me and to the cast list, scanning through the list with me.

Link Larkin; Ryder Lynn 

As we both read the first name, I hugged Ryder tightly and kissed his cheek. "I knew you'd get it." I whispered. I felt him smile against my neck before returning the large hug.

Before we left, I skimmed over the list quickly.

Tracy Turnblad; Fat Amy
Amber Von Tussle; Kitty Wilde
Penny Pingleton; Angie McGraw
Seaweed J. Stubbs; Jake Puckerman
Velma Von Tussle; Sue Sylvester

"Really?" Ryder laughed before we shuffled out of the crowd and stood to the side. I rested my back against the lockers behind me and stared up at Ryder.

"Congratulations." I whispered before he leaned down to touch my lips lightly with his own and ran his hand along the bottom of my grey skirt.

"Fat Amy is Tracy." I laughed, holding onto his shoulder. "Are you excited?" I whispered, raising my eyebrows and giving a small eye roll.

"Yep." Ryder smiled. "Are you bummed out you're not in it this year?" 

"Nope." I shook my head and looked at my feet, kicking Ryder's foot bashfully. "I just get to watch you." 

"No." Finn overheard us, walking past us and stopping. "You're one of The Nicest Kids in Town." He pointed at me with a charming smile before walking to the crowd gathered around the notice board, watching Sue yelling at someone and throwing her diet drink across the ground.

"It's going to be interesting watching Coach Sylvester singing Miss Baltimore Crabs." I laughed, holding Ryder's neck lightly.

"Oh, God, yes." He laughed, kissing my cheek lightly. "Come on," He pulled back, grabbing my hand in the process. "I'll walk you to your locker."

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