Chapter 45 - He Plagues My Dreams

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After Jake making the assumption that something else was wrong with me, Angie seemed wary with me and seemed to notice it. She was monitoring what I ate, staring at my half-full plate and making sure that I ate everything on there... and every time, I nearly threw up.

I threw up earlier today, feeling incredibly hungry right now and dizzy. I hadn’t been able to concentrate during my other classes today and I wasn’t able to stand up without almost falling over. And now, I had gym, and I had this inkling something bad was going to happen.

I felt a light tap on the shoulder and I spun around quickly, blanking out of a brief moment and stumbling. “Woah.” Angie said, grabbing my wrist and helping me lean against the lockers. “Are you okay?” She asked, raising her eyebrows. “I-I’m fine.” I stuttered, standing up and readjusting my sports bag. “Are you sure?”

“Completely.” I nodded, standing up straighter. Angie sighed and grabbed my wrist as I turned away from her and she spun me back around. “No.” She said wide-eyed. “You’re not fine.” She snapped. “How do you know what I’m feeling?” I replied, trying to shake my hand out of her grip. “You’re different. You’ve changed, and I know you’re not happy- because I’ve seen you cry more than once.” She said, giving me a warning look, almost making me confess what I was doing to myself. I felt like I should tell her- like I wasn’t meant to be keeping this secret from her... but I shook my head and took a step back. “I. Am. Fine.” I said slowly, forcing a smile onto my face. “Honestly.”

“Fine.” Angie sighed and dropped my hand, looking defeated. “But you know you can trust me, right?”

“Always.” I said with a small nod. I knew I could, but I didn’t really trust anyone with my secret. “Okay... talk to me whenever. My phone’s always on during school and I will come home if I’m out or something.” She said, waving her hand. “Thank you.” I smiled, sticking my hands in my jeans.

She nodded and walked away before turning back to me. “I know there’s something wrong.” She whispered. I gave her a weird stare, not exactly sure what emotion I was putting through with it. She shrugged with her eyebrows raised and backed away, keeping a careful eye on me.

I walked down the opposite way, looking at the floor, fearing that she would find out... she was close. She knew she was.

I was the last girl in the change room when I reached it and I quietly shuffled in next to me normal spot- on the end of the bench next to Kitty. I put my stuff down, Kitty tying up her shoelaces and giving me the occasional.

“You’ve lost a lot of weight.” She told me as I took off my shirt. I covered myself up with my hands and stared down at myself, trying to notice the weight-loss. “It’s not good, Marley.” Kitty shook her head and stood up, fixing up her hair. “This break-up... I-I-I know that it’s rough and you’re sick and tired, but you’re losing too much weight with this.” Kitty shook her head and clicked her tongue. “I’m fine.” I snapped. “I’m not saying you’re not fine- though you do look a little pale.” Kitty whispered.

I pulled on my sport top and continued to get ready while Kitty looked on with a worried look on her face.

As I stood up after typing up my shoelaces, I stumbled over myself and fell into the lockers in front of me. “Oh.” Kitty said quietly, holding onto my arm lightly. “I’m fine. I had this conversation with Angie.” I murmured, opening my eyes, only to have them covered up by black spots.

I managed to stumble out of the locker room and into the gym, where Coach Beiste was standing, trying to hook up a CD player into the wall. Mr. Schue was standing there, helping her and trying to explain how to do it.

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