Chapter 55 - The Hunger Games?

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You can get married as many times as you... you only get one Prom.

Quinn Fabray sent me that last night. She told me that it was the most important part of my life and that it should be my main focus at that moment. I tried to tell her I had other things on my mind, but she refused to let me type anything before she began bombarding me with questions; you’re taking Ryder to prom, right? What colour is your dress going to be? Are you running from Prom Queen? You should.

As for the Prom Queen question; I wasn’t going for Prom Queen. I don’t want a plastic crown. Frankly, I don’t care who wins that thing; I just care that I’m with Ryder, unlike last year.

I was all lonely last year... and I was afraid I was going to be like that this year, where I’d sit alone on the side of the room because Ryder and I had broken up, but it wasn’t going to be like that at all.

When I walked into Glee club that afternoon, everyone’s conversations buzzed around one thing; Prom, obviously.

What are you wearing? Who’s your date? Gosh, I’d heard enough about Prom after my conversation last night with Quinn.

“I have an announcement!” Kitty shouted, standing up suddenly and running to the front of the room and brushing down her skirt. “I am running from Prom Queen! And I’m going to win, but I want you all to vote for me just in case.” Kitty smirked. “And, I’m running with the one and only Jakie Puckerman!” She winked, putting a hand on her hip.

“Does that mean you’re each other’s dates or...” Ryder said, putting his arm around me and kissing my cheek softly. “No. Never in a million years.” Jake said quickly. “But running together,” Ryder shrugged and looked back at Jake. “Shouldn’t you be going with each other?”

“But then I’d be a loner!” Angie shouted with a large smile on her face. “Exactly. I don’t want Angie being a loner. It’s, like, no.” Jake smirked. “I was thinking I was going to be a loner this year,” Melissa spoke up from the back of the room, crossing her legs. “But I’m not! So, I’m happy.” She said. “Riley is coming down?” Ryder asked, turning to face her. “Yes! After much convincing!” She shouted, putting her fist up in the air.

“Cool... so you’re not forever alone.” Ryder smirked. “Shut it.” She laughed, crossing her arms and leaning back in her chair.

“Anyway, vote for Kitty Wilde!” Kitty shouted, putting her hand in the air. “And Jake.” She replied quietly, walking back to her seat. “Yay.” Ryder said with a laugh, kissing my cheek lightly. “Why don’t you run for Prom Queen?” Ryder whispered. I shrugged and bit my lip. “I just don’t want to.”

“You should, though. You would win, you know.” Ryder said, raising his eyebrows. I shook my head and smiled, looking at my lap.

“Okay!” Mr. Schue shouted, running into the room. “Prom!” He said. And with that simple word, the whole room burst into cheers.

“The Prom committee decided the theme for this year’s prom, finally. And I think everyone will like it; it’s very unique and there are quite a lot of songs revolving around this theme.”

“Hot people.” Kitty cut in with a large smile. “No.” Mr. Schue said with a laugh. “Um,” Ryder said, hitting his foot against the ground. “I bet the theme this year is Marley.”

I raised my eyebrows at him and he laughed, shaking his head. “No, Ryder,” Mr. Schue chuckled. “This year’s theme is...” He hit his knees and we all joined in, smiling at one another.

“The Hunger Games!” Mr. Schue shouted. “Yes!” I  shouted, putting my hands up in the almost silent room. “How are there any songs about that?” Kitty asked. “The soundtrack for the movie!” I said over-excitedly. “Okay.” Kitty said, giving me narrow eyes. “Whatever.”

“This is going to be amazing!” I whispered to Ryder, kissing his cheek lightly. “So, I’m planning on having Jake and Angie sing Safe and Sound, and having you, Marley, sing Eyes Open.” Mr. Schue smiled. I nodded and grabbed Ryder’s hands tightly, bursting with excitement.

Mr. Schue continued explaining and talking about which songs people will be singing, but I couldn’t stop thinking about Prom now.

Now those questions that Quinn had asked me made me excited- I wanted to answer them. I wanted to rave over my prom dress and my date and who was asking who... because this theme made me excited. It made me want to go to prom even more.


When I came home that afternoon, I ran into the lounge room and saw Mom sitting there. I began talking to her about my dress and how excited I was for prom now that I knew the theme was the Hunger Games.

Mom simply laughed and told me she’d help me make my dress- she said we had some spare fabrics in her bedroom and I was simply bursting with excitement... still.

“Can it be like Katniss’? Except, like white or something.” I said to Mom, sitting next to her on the couch. “Marley, I’ll try, okay?” Mom smiled, giving me a kiss on the cheek. “Sorry, but I’m really, really excited!” I exclaimed.

Mom laughed and shook her head. “You’ve only been this excited about when Catching Fire came out.” I was about to respond, but I heard a loud knock on the door. I smiled and stood. “I will get that.”

I walked to the door and opened it, seeing Ryder kneeling on one knee, holding a rose in his hand. “This looks familiar.” I laughed, holding onto the door frame and looking down at him. Ryder laughed and shrugged, diverting his gaze to the ground before looking up at me. “I knew we were probably already were going to go to prom together, but I wanted to do this formally.” Ryder smiled, his eyes sparkling.

“Marley, will you be my date for Prom?” He asked, pressing the rose against my hand. I bit my lip and shrugged, shaking my head jokingly. “Nah.” I said. Ryder frowned. “I’m kidding, Ryder. Jeez.” I laughed, leaning down and kissing him quickly.

He stood up and handed the rose to me. “I knew it was a joke... I think.” Ryder laughed and shrugged again, pulling me into a hug. “I love you.” He whispered. “I love you, too, Ryder,” I whispered back.

“Prom is going to be amazing this year; mainly because you’re going to be here with me.” I whispered, playing with my ring and biting my lip. “Oh, yeah, that reminds me.” Ryder mumbled, patting his pockets and pulling out the charm bracelet he bought me a couple of weeks after we first started dating.

“You gave this back to me after I, um, broke your heart, so I thought I’d give it back.” Ryder whispered, holding it out. I smiled and took it, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Thank you... and I’m sorry for calling you a dick when that happened.” I mumbled. “That apology was a bit late, but whatever. I forgive you.” Ryder smirked.

“Yeah, I was angry.” I said. “I don’t blame you.” Ryder replied, shaking his head. “I’d be angry, too.” He leaned against the wall on the left side of the door and smirked. “Um, come in, I’m sorry!” I said, grabbing his hand and dragging him inside, but he stayed put.

“Aw, Marley, I kinda have to go, but I just came by to ask you to prom.” He winked. “Oh, okay,” I frowned, leaning forward and kissing his cheek. “Bye, Ryder. See you tomorrow.” I grinned. “Bye, Marley...” He trailed off and backed away. “Or, should I say, Katniss Everdeen?”

He chuckled and blew me a kiss, running down the steps and to the red car in the driveway. I sighed and watched as the car drove away.

I went inside and closed the door and, as if on cue, I got a text message. I opened it and found it was from Ryder.

Ryder: I am the boy with the bread, you are the girl on fire... together, we make toast! Xx

“Oh, my God.” I laughed, shaking my head at my phone and rolling my eyes at his cheesiness... and his cuteness. Why does he have to be so adorable, like, all of the time? 

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