Chapter 6

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Sonic is laying on the coach reading facts about Hexisde while Tails is laying on his belly. "Tails, listen to this." "Hey! less read-y, more scratch-y" He raises up to sit. "Sorry. Now that I'll be a student at Hexside, I wanna learn all about it. I've got a new crush and her name is Education." The door slams open. "Hey, freeloaders! Guess what today is?" "Is it your birthday?" "Is it my birthday?" "No! It's Normal Treasure Day!" Knuckels shuts the door and throws the portal door to the air and it opens. Owlbert comes from the portal door with a big bag of goods. The bag opens and Knuckels jumps on top of all the goods. "Ah, fresh garbage!" "Ooh, give me, give me, give me! Yes! Another worthy addition to my army of terror." Tails pulls the string of the plush toy and its says 'I love cuddles and kisses'. "Totally horryifying." "Yo, kid. Your trash pile is getting old." "You can have my trash. Oh! Did you know that Hexside was built on the bones of its rival school? One it literally conquered?" "Yes, I know all these things. I went there. It was the most harrowing period of my life."

"Can you imagine it? Me in the halls of Hexside, studying with Espio and Aze and maybe even Shadow. Shadow! Oh, cramity! We're supposed to meet so I could get my Ferris book back!" Sonic jumps up and runs to the door "I love you guys!" and slams the door shut. "Eh, who needs him?" "Yeah, this bear can be our new Sonic!"


"Shadow, Shadow, Shadow, Shadow." Sonic whisper to himself while trying to find Shadow. "Got to find that... Oh! There he is." He starts jogging to Shadow. "Hey, Shadow! Sonic is finally here!" "Hi, Sonic!" Suddenly Rouge appears in front to Sonic and he takes fright and falls to the ground. "Rouge, stop bothering him." Shadow helps Sonic up. "Sorry, Sonic. She insisted on coming for some reason." Rouge hugs Shadow from the side. "Because I love you baby brother!" Shadow pushes her away. "Ah!" "She've been extra protective and nice towards me to make up for the library incident." "And I still apologize every day." Rouge comes near Shadow again and he pushes her away again.

"In any case, here's your book." "So, what'd you think?" Sonic takes the book and looks at Shadow. "It was, fine." "So fine you drew yourself with Malingale the Mysterious Soothsayer?" Sonic takes a drawing from between the book. Shadow blushes and burns the picture.

"This is great! Maybe we can even start an Ferris Club at school when we're classmates!" "When we're what?" "Suprise! I'm enrolling at Hexside!" "Oh, uh, sorry. But to be in my class you need to take a placement exam, and prove that you've mastered two spells. I know you have your light thing. Uh, do you know anything else?" "Placement exam?! Spells?!" "Quit giving him a hard time, Mittens. Of course he knows two spells, right, Sonic?" Rouge stands next to Shadow and Sonic laughs nervously. "Yeah! Of course I know two spells." "Because if you don't, they'll put you in the baby class." Rouge lays to Shadow's shoulder. "Ooh, brain idea! What if we all train together? We could show off what we know. What do you say, Sonic?" "Uh... Actually, I have other training plans in a very faraway place. That I have to go to right now. Bye!" Sonic runs away and Rouge and Shadow just left stand there.


Knuckels is in the kitchen making food "Wow, a suprisingly peaceful domestic moment. When it will be ruined?" and then the door slams. "Knuckels!" "There it is." Sonic runs and spins to the kitchen and then he falls. "Knuckels, Knuckels! Knuckels! You have to teach me a new spell, right now." "Sorry, Sonic. These vegetables won't cook themselves." "But I need to know two spells to get into decent classes at Hexside! I can make light glypsh. But at the end of the day that's the only spell I know." "And whose fault is that?" "Yours." "Ha! Yep! Got me there."

"Just teach me a spell now. Any spell. It can be the darkest evil." "Well, I have been researching my texts on wild magic, but I'm much too busy right now." Knuckels just throws the cooking book to the pot. "Come on, Knuckels! You're the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles. How would it look like if your apprentice got thrown into the baby class?" Sonic is looking seriously at Knuckels. "Hmm. Weaponizing my pride. Well played. Well, in that case, this looks like a job for a magic boot camp.

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