Chapter 3

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It was the Friday before the semester officially began, and I was just finishing my shift at the local bookstore/café near my apartment. It'd been my first job here, and this was my last day of my full-time shifts. My second job was waitressing at a restaurant in town, but that job had already returned to part-time last week.

Thankfully for my bank account, the bookstore was surprisingly popular and busy all year long. With the internet a real thing, most people did everything online, so the bookstore had computer stations and a lot of online support for students that'd lost or broken their laptops, etc.

I had just finished ringing up the last person in the store when the bell on the door rang, alerting me to a new customer. I twisted backwards, then glanced up at the clock, and I saw that it was five minutes before closing. I turned towards the door, saying, "I'm so...rry-"

My mouth dried up and lost all ability to function when I came face-to-face with all four Buchanan brothers, and blessed be every mother, father, and child, because what a sight it was. If it weren't for the fact that Mason Buchanan was shooting me a dark look-making it clear that I was nothing more than dirt underneath his shoes-I'd probably swoon at the vision before me.

Taking them all in, I immediately noticed that Mason was the tallest, but that was the only difference in build that they had amongst them. All four men looked like sleek, muscular, well-honed machines underneath their casual jeans and t-shirts, and anyone looking at them could tell that they were brothers. They all had a head full of ink-black hair, though all styled differently. They all had matching brows with the same distinctly shaped eyes. The only difference was that Mason's eyes were like molten silver and the other three had eyes like green fire.

They also each shared the same nose and strong cheekbones to accompany the perfect symmetry of everything else that made up their incredibly gorgeous faces. They each shared the same cut jaw, but Mason's was more prominent, probably because he was the oldest. The twins looked exactly all their age of eighteen, though no less intimidating.

Like everyone else on campus, I'd heard all the buzz and excitement surrounding the impending arrival of the twins, and every person on campus that had ovaries was losing their mind over the thought of having all Buchanans in one place. Come to think of it, some people without ovaries were probably losing their minds, too.

"What's got you sorry, Pretty Girl?"

I did my best to focus my attention on the twin that had asked me that question, and let me tell you, it was hard to concentrate on anything other than the boy's extraordinary looks. "Uh...uhm, we're cl...closing in five min...minutes," I stuttered, wondering how my mind was even functioning, because my mind always seemed to shut down around Mason Buchanan and his blatant hatred for me.

I wished that I knew why he hated me, but I didn't. The first time that I'd ever laid eyes on him, I'd been standing in front of the administration offices, completely lost. I'd been trying my best to get along without having to engage anyone, but I had finally realized how stupid it was to waste time trying to figure out where to report to when I could just ask someone. So, I had turned around to ask whoever caught my eye for some help, but my eyes had locked onto Mason Buchanan's silver ones, and I could never forget the look on his face when his eyes met mine.

At first, his incredible eyes had looked casual, and then...shocked. However, after I had blinked, his face had completely transformed. It'd gone from indifference to utter loathing. He had looked so disgusted with me that I could actually feel his dislike for me from where I'd been standing, and the revelation had cut me to the quick. I had spent my entire life keeping to myself, and the first time that I had attempted to put my reservations away and approach someone, he had looked like he'd just as soon spit in my face as talk to me.

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