Chapter 11

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Mason yelled so loudly that I could feel his words dancing across my skin.

I winced.

I hadn't meant for all that to come out, but I was still a mess over everything that had happened, so I hadn't guarded my words as carefully as I usually did. Still, if I was being completely honest, it was Mason's words of belonging to him that had me really screwed up. I'd never really belonged to anyone before; no one had ever really wanted me. Even Adam and Maggie hadn't really wanted me. They'd just wanted to help children in need and foster children that'd been alone in the world. They hadn't necessarily wanted me. However, now, Mason Buchanan was standing before me, declaring that I belonged to him, and I was all confused on how I felt about that.

I knew that his question had been in regard to what I'd said about losing my virginity, but I still played dumb. "I had planned to come here and have a good time," I repeated.

His silver gaze cut towards me. "You know damn well that isn't what I was referring to, Shane," he snapped, his voice sharp and rugged.

My gaze held his, and I couldn't help but take this man in. He was just. So. Damn. Beautiful. Hell, all the Buchanans were. Still, there was something about Mason that held him at a level above his brothers.

His hair was all black thickness and style. His grey eyes were more silver than your normal grey, and they were always so...observant. His face had that masculine warrior thing going on, but that was probably because I'd never seen him smile or laugh. I'd seen him smirk, but that was a far cry from a genuine smile.

I decided to try to be all nonchalant like, so I shrugged a shoulder before saying, "I've never slept with a guy, so I figured I could knock that off my bucket list tonight before school started and all my time would be focused on school and work."

The sound of his voice would have sent a lesser person screaming out of the room, but growing up in foster care had strengthened me more than most. "Are you seriously sitting there, telling me that you were just going to pick up some random asshole and ask him to rid you of your virginity?"

I cocked a brow. He had no right to be angry. "Of course, I'm not," I bit out. "I was hoping to mingle first, and if a guy decided to talk to me or whatever, then suggest know, take it further, I would ha-"

"Stop," he ordered. "Just stop before I lose my fucking mind, Shane."

You know what?

To hell with this shit.

To. Hell. With. This. Shit.

I stood up, planted my hands on my hips, then I told Mason Buchanan exactly what I thought of him and this entire situation. "You know what, Mason Buchanan? You can kiss my ass." He looked taken aback, but he didn't interrupt me as I let loose on him. "You haven't uttered one single, solitary word to me in three years, then suddenly, you decide you have the right to stand before me and have an opinion on who I sleep with. Well, I have news for you, Mason; the rest of the school might quake and quiver in your presence, and hail you as an all-mighty god, but in my opinion, you're just some jerk that took pleasure in throwing me dirty looks and making me feel insignificant when I never did a thing to you." I stepped into his space feeling braver than I normally would, but I'd had enough of Mason Buchanan. "I don't care what your last name is, how much money you have, or how good-looking you might be. I value respect and decency over all those things. So, you can take your dictations, your declarations, and your half-ass explanations and shove them up your ass."

I was so proud of my bravery that I took off towards the door on a mission to find some random guy to go through with my plan. Though his voice reached me, it didn't stop me. "Where do you think you're going?"

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