Chapter 5

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"I cannot believe I let you talk me into coming to this party," I said, yet again, still feeling entirely uncomfortable and out of my element.

Viola nudged her shoulder into mine. "Awe, c'mon, Shane."

"And I really can't believe I let you talk me into wearing this ridiculous outfit," I hissed under my breath.

Her eyes widened. "Are you freakin' kidding me? You look hot as hell."

I looked down at my outfit again, then wondered how Viola had even put this look together. I was a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl, and Viola had me gussied up in a white tank-top that was too form fitting for my liking, but damn if it didn't make the girls look good. They might only be B-cups, but the tank-top made them look full, perky, and in your face.

She had also paired the top with a dark blue skirt that hugged my hips but flared out from around the middle of my thighs, and it was short enough to leave my legs bare for anyone to ogle. However, I had put my foot down at her demand to wear heels, and had negotiated her into a pair of simple, white, flat sandals. Vivi's idea of a compromise had been to give up the fight on the heels if I allowed her to do my hair and makeup. Though it hadn't felt like much of a compromise, I had reluctantly agreed anyway.

Viola had decided to straighten my brown hair, so that it was parted down the middle and draping down my back, and she'd done my eye makeup to make my eyes pop out-her words, not mine. Still, I was grateful that her makeup job had turned out subtle, and that I wasn't geared up for circus auditions. I could admit that I looked decent, but I still felt like I was crawling out of my skin with uncertainty and self-doubt.

This look was so not me.

I scanned Viola from head to toe as I told her honestly, "Not standing next to you, I don't." I nudged her shoulder back. "You look super sexy."

"I suppose it depends on who you ask," she replied easily. However, in my opinion, if you asked anyone, they would agree that Viola was an 'It Girl'.

She didn't shy away from her natural curls, so they hung in perfect, smooth, dark ringlets around her flawless face, and perfectly arched brows, large brown eyes, a button nose, and high cheekbones made up that flawless face. Her lips were plump and soft, but it was her complexion that brought it all together. Her skin was the shade of an immaculate hue of chocolate silk, and her body was rocking like only a girl with her heritage could. Vivi was sporting a noticeable rack, and combined with her wide hips and round ass, it gave her an hourglass figure worth envying, for sure.

I lifted a brow. "I bet if I asked Micah, he'd agree," I challenged.

Her eyes sparkled at the mention of Micah's name. He wasn't exactly her boyfriend, but he was the guy that she went to if she was ever in need of male companionship. She gave me a sly smile. "He should be here tonight," she informed me. "You won't be mad if I leave with him, will you?"

I shook my head. "Nope," I answered honestly. "Just as long as you let me know when you're leaving, so that I can leave, too,"

Her brows furrowed above her pretty eyes. "Now, you know I would never do that to you, Shane. What do I look like, pulling some shit like that?"

I smiled at her. "I know, Vi. I'm just feeling very uncomfortable."

Her expression changed from offended to sympathetic. "I know, Shane, but...I just thought since this is our last year, we could do one silly thing together. You're entirely too serious, and even though I understand why, I really just wanted to do something fun with you."

She had begged and pleaded with me to come to this party, eventually blackmailing me by telling me that if I didn't go to this one, then she would hound me for the rest of the year to go to every party there was. However, if I agreed to go to this one and tried having a good time, then she'd leave me alone about any more parties. I had finally caved and had given in to her big puppy dog eyes.

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