Chapter Six:

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It was a mistake! I didn't know what I was thinking, I'm sorry Naraku Tears stream down Kiyomi face as she ran out of the hut. She felt guilty about kissing InuYasha and somewhere in-between the mix having feelings for him. When Kiyomi thought she escape from one problem another one rose up as she saw Kagome then she quickly wiped her tears."  Kagome?"

" Kiyomi, I see your more active than usually. Are you feeling better?" Kagome asked as she turned around and said.

Kiyomi nodded." I'm feeling a little better." She said and tried to catch her breath as her heart started hurting from the sudden movement, and exercise. She grabbed a fragment of her dress as she clench her fist on her chest then she put a fake smile face, so everyone will think she's fine.

" There's actually somebody I want you to meet." Kagome said and smiled.

 Two little half-pups was roaming around playing tag with other children. Kagome called her children over to introduce themselves to the new member of the village, Kiyomi. One half-pup was a female, her ears shoot up angrily and she pouted as she grin her teeth. Just by a glace, she looked very kind but her temper was like a storm. Her black hair stopped in the middle of her back, and the tips were white." My name is Izayoi, I-za-yo-i !"She said and put her little hands on her hips. Her golden brown eyes resembles her father.

Behind Kagome, there was a little boy clinging onto her leg embarrassed. Tears formed in his brown eyes." I-I-I'm.... INUTAISHO! " He shouted his name nervously flustered. He took a step forward and tried to bow then he tripped over his long black hair as his face planted into the ground then he started crying.  He resembles his mother.

" There, There..." Kagome said as she picked her son up, and rubbed his back. " Come on, Izayoi. It's getting pretty late, why don't you tag a long too, Kiyomi?" Kagome said then they headed back to her house, and Kiyomi followed right behind them.

" Make yourself at home." Kagome said as she sat down in a rocking chair stroking hair.

Kiyomi held her hand below her stomach as carefully sat down on the bed." Your kids seem so active."

" Well, Izayoi pretty active and adventurous, but little Inu here." Kagome said and looked down at him." He's quiet, shy and easily get flustered."

" It's like he's the complete opposite of his father and different from you, too." Kiyomi said.

" I guess, that what make him unique. He's different, but I think he's a little more like me when I was a child" Kagome said and of them laughed.

" He look more like you than InuYasha." Kiyomi said then when she said his name her heart started to race quickly.

" Oh, that's because he's in his human form. When he's in his regular form he look more like his father, trust me. He look exactly like InuYasha!" Kagome said and tried to convince Kiyomi.  That her and InuTashio  looks nothing alike and he look more for his father.

" Can Iza and Ino come play outside?"Two twin girls asked as they ran inside the hut nearly out of breath.

"Oh, it's Akane and Akaira. Inu is sleeping but Izayoi can." Kagome said and rubbed her son back. " Is Michiru and Miroku back?"

" No, Mom said that Daddy have to train him because he needs to be able to protect us even though we always protect him" Akane said.

Akane has long hair, however, when she get older she'll fight with two katana (swords)

Akaira has short hair, and  when she get older she'll fight with her mother Hiraikotsu

" Can I spend the night mom, Pleasseeeee!?!" Izayoi asked.

" Sure, only Sango says it's okay." Kagome said.

" Come on, Iza." Akana and Akaira held out their hand then Izayoi took both of their hands at they ran out the house together.

" They're so adorable" Kiyomi said softly, but her breathing started to get difficult.

" Yeah--Oh, can you watch Inu? while I get us some snacks." Kagome asked.

" Sure." Kiyomi said as she smiled despite all the pain that she was in then a very familiar half-breed walked through the door." Kagome told me to look after little Inu, InuYasha."

" Kiyomi....."InuYasha said.

" That kiss that happen earlier between us was a accident. It didn't hold any significant feelings behind it. I don't want to be rude, but I'm waiting for Naraku to come back and it was a mistake, and that's final InuYasha." Kiyomi said.

" Don't wait-- Because Naraku is---" InuYasha tried to gather all his words together before he said anything else.

Kagome came into the room and dropped the tray of snacks," InuYasha stop, don't say anything else." Before Kagome could think of what to do her mind went blank and all of her attention was on Kiyomi and her pregnant belly." If InuYasha say something it may lead to an unsuccessful birth and they both could die." She thought.

" What do you mean, don't wait? I'll always wait for him no matter what." Kiyomi said as tears started to form in her eyes.

" All of us wanted to keep it from you, that Naraku is dead..... We-- All of us killed him in the final battle, so can you just forget about him and move on!" InuYasha shouted, but Kiyomi was in shock. Tears continue to stream down her face even though she didn't want to believe it. Her heart felt like is was going to explode. The person that she lived for, that gave her a meaning of life, that taught her everything. Her happiness, disappeared and pain ached all over her body. Her hands was trembling and more than anything, right now....Kiyomi wanted to die.......

" Kiyomi, your water broke!..." Kagome shoved InuYasha out of the room, and put their son in InuYasha care," Get Sango and Kadea and tell them that Kiyomi is about to give birth right now!"

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