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On Monday, you continued your investigation with renewed vigor. When you swiped into the matchmaking room, you didn't go to your station, instead you headed for the back, where there was a short flight of stairs up to an office. Knocking on the door, you waited for the familiar voice inside to beckon you in.

"Come in."

Pushing your way in, you nodded politely to your supervisor, "Good morning, Ms. Kwon."

"Good morning, Y/N." She brought her hands down from where they had been poised over her keyboard to rest in her lap. "How are you?"

"I'm well," you lied. "How are you?"

"Fine. What brings you to my office this morning?"

"I... have sort of a weird question, if that's alright."

She gestured to the two chairs opposite her. "Of course."

You sat in one, making a conscious effort to keep your knee from bouncing nervously.

"What is your question?" She prompted you.

"There's never any mistakes, right?"

"Mistakes? No, you're all trained right." Ms. Kwon arched an eyebrow. "Do you think you've made a mistake, Y/N?"

"No, not the matchmakers. I mean... the computer does whatever it does with the information it's given, right? That we collect?" You took a deep breath, preparing yourself for what you were about to say. "What if... it gets the wrong information? Wouldn't it all be wrong if it's given the wrong stuff in the first place?"

"The profiles we compile are extremely rudimentary, and that isn't all the information it uses. The computer does more than we can ever know."

"But what if... there's an extra profile in there that was never supposed to be in there?"

"Like a person that doesn't exist? How would a fake person even get created in the first place?"

"No I mean like—You know how Factory employees are taken out of the program? What if somehow, someone got missed? Like, their match happened right before their first day or something crazy. So they got matched up when they weren't supposed to."

"I've never heard of that happening." She shook her head, leaning back in her seat and crossing her legs at the knee. "As soon as we receive someone's application, their profile is removed from the program. If they're not hired, their profile is put back in. If they are hired, the data is permanently destroyed."

"Where's it stored when it's temporarily removed during the application process, then?"

She didn't answer your question, her face turning concerned instead of simply confused as before. "Y/N, what's going on? Do you know of a Factory employee who's been matched up?"

You shook your head, trying not to deny it too quickly or with too much fervor. "No, I just—Got a brain itch about it, I don't know. Seems too... uncertain."

"I can assure you, no Factory employee has ever been matched up. Accidentally or otherwise," she replied smoothly, a reassuring smile coming to her features. "You can rest easy; no mistakes are made here."

"Can you just... answer my question? Please?" You pleaded, picking at your nails to avoid messing with your pinky. "I won't be able to sleep tonight."

"Alright, to soothe your brain itch," she agreed, sounding amused. "It's another list in the profiles database that we import into your matchmaking program, except only personnel with a certain clearance can view, add, and remove profiles from the list. Once a round of interviews has been completed, the applicants on the list are either marked as hired or not. If they're marked as hired, their profile information is permanently destroyed upon their first day of training. If they're marked as not, it's returned to the main database that everyone has access to."

"One more thing?"


"Once a match is made, where does that information go? Like, the reports, the profiles, is it stored anywhere?"

"We maintain all of those records in another program. Those with higher clearance have access to it, for security purposes, since profiles are de-anonymized in it. Data synthesis uses them for reports frequently."

"Okay, thanks." You offered her a feigned, relieved smile, then tacked on a quick fib, "Just wanted a little refresh, in case we got any new hires anytime soon."

"Already looking to train, Y/N?"

"Oh, maybe..." You laughed nervously, as if shy about being caught with your eye on a promotion already and not anxious from having to discretely interrogate your supervisor.

"You always were ambitious. And wanting to learn more about the program and the Bureau... I like it." Ms. Kwon nodded her approval. "Feel free to ask about any other brain itches you get, okay?"

"Right, thanks." You stood up, giving her a polite bow. "I should get to my station. Thank you again, ma'am."

As you hurried down to your matchmaking station, you easily came to the realization of what you'd need to do next. There was no way you'd be able to just wait until you were promoted to a position with high enough security clearance for the post-matched program, that sounded like it would be people of Ms. Kwon's position and above. You'd have to get into the program using one of their access points. Somehow.

But you didn't have time to brainstorm a plan for that at the moment, you had matches to read. You sank down into the comfortable, posture-saving chair, and let your mind mesh with the computer as the first one loaded up on the screen.


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