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A couple nights later found you rooting through the frozen section of a corner store. You'd gotten home from work after yet another day of getting nowhere with this stupid red string and had wanted nothing more than to wallow in misery with a pint of ice cream.

Except you had none in your freezer, and your usual corner store was out of your favorite flavor, so you had to go to one several blocks over. After paying for the ice cream and grabbing a plastic spoon from the available utensils, you hurried out of the shop. Turning sharply onto a side street to take a shortcut back to your apartment, you nearly tripped over somebody sitting on the sidewalk curb, their feet in the street.

They were wearing a hoodie with the hood up, and you jumped back as you went to apologize. Then they looked at you over their shoulder, and you stopped your apologies, flabbergasted and a little pissed off at the universe at this point.

"Oh my god, again?" You stared at Sungchan, eyes bugging out of your head.

"Okay, ouch," he retorted. He had his own pint of ice cream and plastic spoon in hand, about two-thirds of the way done.

"Sorry, I was just... I wanted to drown my sorrows in ice cream alone."

He turned away from you, resting his arms on his knees as he went back to looking down at the pavement. "Well, I've got dibs on this street corner for sadly eating ice cream."

You winced. "Sungchan... I'm..."

Sorry? Was that it? Not for wanting to undo the string. Sorry that this all happened to him in the first place, and that he was now sadly eating ice cream by himself on a street corner? Absolutely.

Even though you wanted to remove your red string that connected you two as soulmates, you still felt for the guy as a person, and you felt bad just leaving him here. In a different set of circumstances, you could see the two of you being friends. Against your better judgment, you sat down next to him on the curb, opening your pint of ice cream. He looked at you suspiciously out of the corner of his eye, and you caught a glimpse of his damp, bloodshot eyes in the light of the streetlamp above you two before he focused them back down on his own ice cream.

He shoveled a spoonful into his mouth before speaking again. "We're going to keep running into each other, don't you get that?"

"Yeah, I know, the string always gets tighter again. But I didn't think our string would be like a fucking rubber band." You shook your head, licking the lid of your container clean. "Honestly, this is kind of ridiculous."

There was a moment of awkward silence as he ate another bite of ice cream.

"The computer doesn't make mistakes." He stated bluntly. "That's what you said the second time we met. Do you actually think that? That what goes on in there is making soulmates? Finding them? Whatever."

"I-I mean, yeah." You carefully carved out your first spoonful from the pristine surface. "We do analytics and data gathering post-matching and... yeah, it works."

He was quiet as you took your bite of ice cream into your mouth.

"Then we're soulmates."

You couldn't swallow quickly enough, mind reeling at you tried to think of anything to say. "But my profile—"

"Whatever may have happened before the computer got our data doesn't fucking matter, it still did all the same stuff that it does when giving you all the matches that you read," Sungchan cut you off, and you saw a fresh tear catch the light as it rolled down his cheek. "And it figured that we were soulmates. But suddenly you're doubting it? Suddenly it's not right? What's so fucking special about you?"

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