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Groaning and sleepily rolling over onto your back, you were vaguely aware of the fact that you had rolled directly back into someone's chest, and contentedly snuggled further into your position. An arm snaked around your waist, pulling your hips flush to theirs, and you smiled to yourself as you started drifting back off to sleep.

"Y/N?" Came a low rumble of your name from behind you.

You were nearly asleep again, and decided to just pretend you didn't hear him.

"Baby?" He whispered, a little louder.

"Shh, Sungie," you hummed. "Still sleeping."


"Sungchan, my love, shut the fuck up and let me sleep."

Deciding your discussion was finished, you rolled onto your front again and pushed your face into your pillow. He just followed you to that side of the bed, and you felt the pillow dip as he rested his head on it as well. Sungchan ran a hand up and down your spine, the covers dropping lower with his movements.

Realizing that he wasn't going to be letting you sleep in today, you lifted your face out of your pillow and propped yourself up on your elbows to glare at him.

"What is so important that I can't sleep in on a Saturday when I don't have to open?"

"You said you wanted to go to that breakfast place, and it closes in an hour," he informed you quietly, face reminding you very much of a guilty puppy in that moment.

You looked at the time on his bedside clock, and flopped back down with a groan. "Well it's too fucking late now. Next week."

"Sorry, baby." He squeezed your shoulder. "I would've woken you up sooner, but usually you're the one who wakes me up for this kind of stuff. I just woke up a couple minutes ago."

"Mm, it's okay, Sungie," you sighed and turned onto your back, offering him a sleepy smile to let him know that you weren't mad at him at all. Now in a particularly lovely and warm patch of sunlight, you couldn't imagine even getting up to go to the bathroom, much less a restaurant. "I think my sleep schedule from working at the Factory is finally gone. My body isn't used to getting up for a nine to five anymore."

"Oh, hold on." He reached for his phone off the nightstand, and you immediately knew what was coming based on his change in demeanor. With a half-resigned, half-endeared sigh, you threw an arm over your face to hide it as he stood up to start taking pictures of you.

"Baby..." He said with a slight whine.

"I have bedhead and morning breath, Sungie."

"You can't tell if you have morning breath in a picture."

"And the bedhead?"

"So? Prettiest bedhead I've ever seen."

"Subject gets to decide if you see her bedhead."

He was quiet, but his pout was deafening as he continued taking pictures of you laying in the morning sunlight.

"Actually..." There was a curl of a smile in his tone as he plopped back down on the mattress. "I like it. Reminds me of those Baroque statues of Greek goddesses."

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