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Your Saturday was spent walking. Walking all over town, from your apartment to your bus stop, to the park where Sungchan had been playing Frisbee before, to the corner store where you'd last seen him, and everywhere in between. You kept your head on a swivel, straining for any sign of his tall head over the crowd. But you couldn't see him anywhere.

When you finally gave up mid-afternoon and went back to your apartment for a late lunch, you knew that you were actually relieved that you hadn't found him today. If you had ran into him, you didn't even know what you'd say, where to start, where to end, what to say in the middle. Your head was a jumbled mess, simultaneously too full and too empty. There was no way you'd be able to articulate a single comprehensible word when you yourself didn't know a shred about anything that you were thinking or feeling.

Sunday you were kept busy with Sungchan's lingering question.

What's so special about you?

In the moment, it felt like he was asking why you thought you were special enough to be exempt from something that everyone else experienced: getting a red string and finding their soulmate. But as you went about mindless chores in your apartment, doing the dishes, folding laundry, you thought about him.

What's so special about Sungchan?

What would make him your soulmate?

And you wondered if he was asking himself the same question about you.

Monday morning you almost missed your bus. You'd been so distracted going about your morning routine that you ran straight from your apartment building onto the bus, the doors closing right after you. The elderly couple was on today, and you plopped into your seat in front of them, offering them a breathless smile and greeting.

"Tough morning, dear?" The woman asked you knowingly.

"Oh, a bit," you laughed. "Tough couple of weeks, honestly. But I'll make it. What's the new exhibit for this month?"

"It's a contemporary artist who does large-scale mixed media collages," the husband explained.

"That sounds so cool! Is there a particular theme for the collection on display or it more eclectic?"

"Oh, we don't read up much before," she said with a shake of her head. "We like to go in blind, no presuppositions or expectations, good or bad."

"I think that's a pretty good method."

You continued chatting about the museum with them until their stop to get off, and watched fondly as the man helped his wife up, the both of them bidding you farewell before departing. As the bus peeled away, you were able to glimpse them starting arm-in-arm down the sidewalk together.

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