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AD Yang kept you in there until you started watching the sun begin its journey downwards in the sky. At some point, you started going in circles, and you knew he was just trying to catch you in lies, or confuse you, or get you to admit more than you had before out of exhaustion, or in hopes that he'd let you out. But you gave no different answers, no contradictory or new information, and you knew he'd eventually let you out. After all, there was no proof anywhere that you had done anything wrong, because you hadn't. The most they could really get on was not telling someone at the Bureau sooner when you'd gotten your string but what could they actually do? Fire you?

When Mr. Yang finally declared the interview over, and turned the recorder off, you had to keep in your groan of relief. Instead, you maintained your composure, standing up when they did in order to shake their hands.

"Thank you very much for your time, Ms. Y/L/N. I do apologize for taking so much of your day, that had not been my intention," Mr. Yang once again laughed as he shook your hand. "But this was very helpful, and I promise, yours and Mr. Jung's answers are going to help us here at Bureau improve the way we do things in the future."

"Right. It was nice meeting you, Mr. Yang." You nodded politely to him, then turned to your old boss, a genuine smile coming to your face. "It was good seeing you again, Ms. Kwon."

"Jeno had something to do, so I'll show you out, Y/N." She informed you, gesturing to the door.

"Oh, thank you."

The two of you were quiet as you walked through the halls of the second floor, until you finally reached a small waiting area on the other end of the building, made up of only a few uncomfortable-looking armchairs. Sungchan was the only person there, slumped down in a chair and bouncing his leg as he cracked his knuckles. He looked up when he heard footsteps, jumping to his feet as soon as he saw you, and while you would've felt a little weird about running in an office, he clearly didn't care, taking just a few long strides to reach you and wrap his arms around you.

"God, Y/N! There you are! What the hell? Why the fuck did they keep you so long? They wouldn't tell me anything, just that you were still being interviewed and I could either leave or keep waiting. I wasn't going to leave but—"

"I'm fine, Sungchan, I'm fine," you reassured him, hugging him back despite the slight awkwardness you felt with Ms. Kwon still definitely being right there. "We'll talk about it later, okay?"

He didn't say anything else, just kept holding you as you turned around in his arms to address Ms. Kwon.

"Uhm, we're good to leave, right? Do you need anything else from us?"

She was clearly fighting back a smile as she replied, "I ask that you wait just a little bit longer, okay?"

"Okay, sure," you nodded. "What is it? Something for me to sign? An NDA or something?"

"Just a moment, okay?"

And with that, she left.

"God, I fucking hate it here," Sungchan grumbled into your shoulder. "Let's just go, whatever NDA or whatever the hell they want you to sign is going to suck and be coercive as shit and not worth it. It probably won't even be enforceable or whatever."

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