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After dropping your backpack in your chair, you headed towards the breakroom, where you found Jaemin hunched over something at a counter, his back to the door.

"Renjun's cereal?" You surmised immediately.

He jumped in place, turning around clutching his chest. "Fuck! You scared the shit out of me, Y/N! Don't sneak up on a guy like that!"

He did in fact have a familiar box in his hand, clearly having been pouring some into a cup.

"I wasn't sneaking. You just flipped out because you know you're being a little cereal thief right now."

He quickly closed up the box and put it away. "There. Like it never happened."

"Why don't you just bring your own box of cereal?"

"It just tastes better if it's free."


"Synonyms." He grinned slyly, shooting you a wink as he walked out.

As you were milling about, trying to gather everything to start the first pot of coffee, Renjun entered, heading straight for where his cereal was stored. You watched out of the corner of your eye as he grabbed it, froze midair, and tested the weight of it in his hand.

"Na Jaemin..." He hissed, slamming the container onto the counter.

"Suggestion—" You announced, turning around to look at him with your arms crossed over your chest. "Keep the cereal at your desk instead of leaving it here unattended where he steals it all the time."

"I never keep food at my desk. What if it attracts ants?"


He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "You may be onto something there..."

Renjun wandered out of the room, still musing over this with the cereal box tucked under his arm. You realized you didn't really want a cup of coffee and put the empty coffee mug away.

The weekly agenda meeting was short and sweet, and you were slow to follow the other matchmakers down the hall after. You were the very last one to swipe in, and to take your seat at your station. Everyone else was already reading their matches, but you just stared at your blank screen, not even turning it on yet. At some point, two weeks ago, someone in this room, one of your coworkers—or maybe even you—had read a match result, looked up a bunch of numbers, and submitted a match report that had changed your life forever. You listened to them clacking away at their keyboards, dozens more strangers' lives being irreparably altered like yours was.

"Y/N?" Your name was called from across the room, and you whipped your head around to look over at Ms. Kwon, standing in the doorway of her office. She gestured for you to come over. "A moment?"

"Oh, of course, ma'am." You rushed to stand, hurrying up the stairs and following her into her office.

She closed the door behind you, sitting back down behind her desk, and offering the chairs across from her for you. You nervously took the one closest to the door.

"Is everything alright with you?" Your supervisor asked gently. "You've been sitting at your station for the past fifteen minutes and haven't turned the screen on..."

"Sorry..." You winced, self-conscious as you pictured Ms. Kwon watching you stare at a blank screen for fifteen minutes. "I'm uhm... I..."

"Have something on your mind?"

"It's worth it, right? Giving up your soulmate to work here?"

Ms. Kwon took your question in stride, folding her hands together over her desk as she answered, "It's good work that we do here, Y/N, don't get me wrong. Necessary. But choosing to live without a soulmate, that's not a noble sacrifice on our part. We're not any better than anybody else because we choose to work here and they don't. I don't know a single executive here who would talk about it like that."

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