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The next day, you waited at your bus stop, leaning against the shelter and eating your apple one-handed. Pedestrians would occasionally pass by, but your area was mainly young families, so most residents drove their children to daycare or school, then either returned home, or went to work themselves. There was the occasional parent who would jog by with a stroller, or pulling a stroller hitched to the back of a bicycle, but for the most part it was just you and your apple, which you were nearly done with.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a lone jogger approaching, and took a step back to allow him to pass, eyes still down on your phone and apple as your bus hadn't arrived yet. Except this jogger slowed to a stop in front of you. You followed the red string from the hand that held your apple core up to a somewhat familiar face, looking down at you in mild confusion.

He was admittedly sweatier now, pieces of hair curling and sticking to the skin at his hairline, and his t-shirt sported a damp spot starting at his collar going down the middle of his chest. But this was definitely Sungchan, as signified by the red string connecting your right pinky to his left. He lifted the hem of his shirt to quickly pat drops of sweat away from his face and took one of his earbuds out as he offered you an easygoing smile.

"Hi. Feeling better?" He asked, his tone light and teasing.

"Why are you here?" You practically snapped. You thought you'd be safe at your bus stop of all places, which you were at every day. You knew your neighborhood, the people on your bus, but he still somehow showed up. "I-I take the same bus every day, at the same time, and I've never seen you jogging in the morning!"

"Oh, yeah, I stayed at my sister's place last night, she lives around here." Sungchan casually gestured over his shoulder at the general vicinity. "So I had to take a different route than normal for my morning run. You live in this area?"

You stared at him, jaw clenched.

"Sorry, probably sounded a little weird asking you that, huh?" He laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Uhm, it's just that you said you're at this same bus stop every day at the same time, so I figured you, uhm... never mind. I'm Jung Sungchan, I realized I didn't properly introduce myself last time. I'd offer my hand or hug you or something but I'm a bit sweaty..."

Taking a deep breath, you tried to think of how to politely phrase the everything you had to tell him, but he just kept talking.

"I'd like to uh, you know, know your name, too. Since we're uhm, you know... soulmates? And uh—"

"Sungchan!" You cut him off, and he immediately shut his mouth. "It doesn't matter. You don't need to know my name."

"What? What are you talking about? But we're—"

"I'm not supposed to have a soulmate!" You gestured wildly to your uniform. "This was a mistake! An error! I'm sorry. This shouldn't have ever happened. I'll get it fixed, okay? I'll figure out how to undo it, and make sure you get put back in."

He frowned thoughtfully. "I thought the Factory didn't make mistakes."

"The computer doesn't. But somehow, somebody must have put a paper in the wrong stack, or not deleted something when they should've, I don't know! But I'll fix it."

The bus finally arrived then with its usual screech of brakes and hiss of the pneumatic doors, and you stepped away from Sungchan towards it.

"I have to go." You told him with finality, tossing your apple core in a nearby trashcan and boarding the bus without waiting to hear if he had something else to say.

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