Ash Wednesday- February 14, 2024

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Why do we do things that don't align with our goals?

I binged today... I wasn't even hungry but as the little voice comes calling I answer.
And I eat.
And eat.
And eat.
And eat.

I won't even bother to write the list.
It's crazy.

But the fight continues. One day I will get it right, just that it wasn't today.

Hi, I'm Mala and welcome to my weightloss diary, if anyone is even reading.

I'm 205lbs + 5ft7 and my goal is 165lbs.
I would like to lose the weight by my this time in May. This is my means of accountability and consistency and I hope I will be able to encourage somebody along the way.

A picture of my goals:

How do I plan to lose this weight? 1

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How do I plan to lose this weight?
1. Intermittent fasting + Calorie deficit. 16:8 at least. In the past I was able to see changes quickly when I implemented fasting in my routine.

2. Working out atleast 3 days a week.
Cardio and also weights. Working out is not only good to burn calories but also helps to shape the body.

3. Water and tea.
Helps with body hydration but also bloating.

4. Journaling
And by that I mean this book. Accountability is important for me and I intend to remain consistent in my updates here.

I also plan to implement small rewards for ever 5lbs lost and more expensive ones for every 10lbs as means for motivation. However, I do understand that it's discipline over consistency.

Feel free to comment your Alias and your goals. Let's build a community to hold each other accountable.

I will update you tomorrow

My Weightloss Diary 2024 Where stories live. Discover now