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Finally got the stepper!
And man, it's not as simple as it seems.

Yesterday I used it with the arm bands and I got in a killer workout. I did only 20 minutes and I was out of breath.

Today I did it without the arm resistance bands and it was less challenging,  did 30 minutes. If you would like to get some cardio in without going for a walk, this is a great alternative. The price starts at $50 on Amazon. You can adjust the resistance of the steps and change your posture to work more glutes.  Also, the Sunny brand that I have has an app available where you can get access to workouts that include the mini stepper. I tried a 10 minute video at the beginning of my workout and it was quite good. They have a variety of workouts available including routines with weights so this would be a gym alternative.

I've been maintaining my weight for this week so I most definitely will be paying more attention to what I eat to ensure I maintain a deficit. I have been making healthier choices so atleast i have that win. I will most definitely be cooking my lunch this coming week.

When the times get hard I keep reminding myself that i need to deny myself temporary pleasure so I can build discipline and meet my goals. Do you have any quotes that you use to keep going in the rough times?

As it relates to mental health I honestly do not know. I have been doing some Bible study and I find myself being left with so many questions. I'm just trying to keep afloat some days more than others. It can be challenging in this season of stillness.

I have also been doing some self evaluation to see what I need to do to become better and improve in certain aspects of my life. So many things to think about as it relates to where I am now and where I would like to be. I have been making an effort to figure it out and that's all that matters for right now.

I missed a couple updates as I had thought it would have been too repetitive.

So for a recap
0lbs lost this week
4 workouts this week including a 3.6km walk
Better food choices for the most part
Still aiming for 16:8 intermittent fast.

Overall, in a better place than last week I would say. The process is a tad slower than anticipated however i'll take this as a win. What about you?

How are you doing on your journey??

Please please please feel free to share so we can build a community together.


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