Day 1 - 205.0lbs

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Day one started with an evening at a fancy restaurant catching up with my friend.
Day one of my period, a new month for me.

I didn't fast long today and I was in a lot of pain.

B/f: beef soup/stew-700 kcals

Snack: pineapple slices, orange, small piece of cake

Afternoon snack: sandwich cookies- approx 600kcals

Restaurant dinner: 6 piece BBQ wings with a small amount of pasta, a Virginia piña colada
Then afterwards I had about 8 squares of chocolate.

I won't even count it all. Despite how this may look, today was not too too bad for me.
The sandwich cookies was unnecessary, however I didn't gorge and I ate as much as felt comfortable.

Also, I'm on my period so I made room for cravings.

Hopefully my cramps are less tomorrow and I can get actual work done

Until then,

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